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Frank POV

What the heck is Mikey's problem?

"Gee, we'll sort him out," I promise, holding onto a crying Gerard.

Gerard. He's crying. I can't just watch him cry!

Ray's just standing there, his arms folded and his eyes closed. I can hear his unsteady breathing. Mikey actually tried to make us hurt ourselves, he truly has gone demented.

"I can't believe it's my fault, it's all my fault," Gee cried, snuggling into me and tightening his grip.

"You didn't do anything," I sigh, rubbing his back.

"Then why is he acting like this!" Gee explodes, wriggling out of my grip.

"It's not your fault," I insist.

"Yes it is! I did this!" Gerard screams, running away from us and slamming his bedroom door.

"What are we going to do?" Ray finally spoke up, his eyes still closed.

"I don't know," I say, rubbing my head.

Because I have no idea what he expects me to do. I have no plan, no idea, no clue as to what we're supposed to be doing.

"I better go," Ray whispers, straightening up and heading for the stairs.

"You're just going to up and leave?" I shout after him.

"What else do you want me to do?" he snaps.

"Anything but walk away!" I yell.

"Give me an example!" he retorts.

"Help me convince Gerard!" I counter.

"But what if it was his fault?" Ray sighs, throwing his hands up.

What the fuck?!

"He didn't do anything!" I scream.

"That thing inside Mikey begs to differ!" Ray scoffs, before finally walking away.

"Coward!" I bellow after him.

But it's too late.

To The End (Frerard, Rikey)Where stories live. Discover now