Lock Down

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Gerard's POV

... Prison. Jail. They didn't even put me on trial for fuck's sake! It was like a bullet to the heart, and considering I did have a bullet to the head I can't imagine there would be much difference.

But yeah, here I am, at the Police Station, handcuffed and dragged along a narrow corridor leading to the only place I'll be for the next ten years. I'll be twenty eight when I get out. A decade lost. I didn't even do anything! It wasn't my lighter! But the judge just sent me to be locked up, away from civilisation. Ray and Frank used thousands of tactics and evidence for how I should be let go and it wasn't my fault, but no one cared. They just wanted me locked up in a dingy cell somewhere were I would shamefully have to pee for the next ten years.

I've never been in trouble with the law before and this is just horrendous. I always thought they'd catch me for.... I don't know really. I just expected me to actually do something against the law, you know, to be able to get locked up! This was insane, out of order!


Ray's POV

"When do you think they'll let him out?"

"I dunno. It can't be that long, a week at the most."

"Iero, do you really think they'd put him in full surveillance with no source of light nor nourishment if he was only in here for a week?"

"Yes. That's what I see all the time on telly."

"Jesus Christ. Frank, you really need to stop watching TV."

"Is that a challenge, Afro?"

"No. It's going on my 'Do's and Don'ts' list though."

"You have a Do's and Don'ts list?


"What's one of the don'ts?"

"Don't let Gerard give any attempt at any sort of suicide."

"How's that working out for ya?"

"Shut up, Frank."

"Guys! Stop! Now!" Mikey snarled.

I jolted away from Frank and gave Mikey my best glare.

Frank just huffed and crossed his arms, biting his lip and sighing. I rolled my head and placed my hands in the front pockets of my jeans, my eyes fixed on Mikes. The said boy just turned his head to the side to see that the door had opened and the Chief was heading towards us. Frank moved a bit too quickly, causing a load of paperwork fly to the floor.

I groaned and put my head in my hands as Iero jumped down and started picking it all up, muttering 'sorry' a few times as he did it.

"No need to apologise. Happens to the best of us," the man says, his deep voice rumbling.

"Yes, well, no harm done. Err, can-can we ask if, err, when Gee will be let out?" I asked nervously, scratching the back of my neck with my hand.

"Ten years to this very day, we have a calendar," the guy grinned, feeling proud of his so called memory machine.

"Ten years?! The fire wasn't even his fault! You fucking bastard! Who's in charge here?!" Frank bellowed, throwing the neatly collected pieces of paper  in the air again in agitation.

"I expect you to be quiet and leave it at that, young man," the Chief hissed.

"Expect? Why does everyone expect everything from me?! I'm not a simple guy, I don't do everything people tell me to! Granted, I do regret it some of the time, but most of the time I'm proud I did it my way! So don't you flipping expect anything from me mate!" Frank gritted his teeth, full on yelling at the man.

"I expe- I mean, I think you should leave now, mate," the man sneered.

"Oh, yeah, and I think that any sort of meat should be banned and that killing animals just to satisfy flipping human intake is wrong and should be stopped right now, but I can't get my wish because flipping Englishmen can't seem to eat their English breakfast without the three bits of freaking bacon!" Frankie screams, spitting at the man.

"Frank," I tried, but he sent me this death glare and I should seriously be dead right now.

"Listen here young man-"

"Don't 'young man' me you old bag!"


My breath hitched and Frank froze.

We turned our head slowly to face the door, hoping that we weren't imagining that voice. But no, there stood Gerard Way, who was still handcuffed and had a body guard to his left, with messy red hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in ages and a messy half smile.

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