Missing Him Already

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Gerard's POV

He still hasn't moved. He hasn't ate, he hasn't come out of his room, he hasn't gone to the toilet in days! That kid can hold it in!

I've stuck to my plan. I can now lie without fault. Mom's getting pissed off. I skipped classes yesterday, all of them. I went to smoke behind the building with Ray. When I got home mom asked me if I went to class, I told her I had. She asked what I did and I told her I did an English assignment, just becuase I rememebr having English on my timetable.

But now I'm grounded. For five years. Yep, five years. You know how she knows? She got a phone call. From Mr Hiker. Yep, next door neighbour. He smelled, and I quote, 'the aroma that hovered around your son like a pack of flies'. Basically, he could smell the faintest scent of smoke. I covered my tracks pretty good if I do say so myself, since my mother couldn't smell it on me.

But apparently our seventy year old neighbour could smell it by a mile away. Pfft, yeah right. It was probably a lucky guess. He always had it in for me, it's just this time he appeared to be right.

Frank seemed quite dissappointed in me, I haven't heard from him in ages. Apparently, according to Linda Iero, his ex girlfriend has come back into town and she's visiting them.

If he wants to remisce with the enemy then what's stopping him? Nothing. You know what, if doesn't care about me any more just because I smoke a little pot now and then, which is basically everyday but who's counting, then it's his loss.

*Sigh.* Who am I kididng? Nobody? I didn't think so.

I miss him.

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