Burned (Part 1)

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I just want to apologise for my late updates. I've got GSCE exams and I've got loads of homework to do recently and it's hard to keep track of it all. I'll try and update as soon as I can but I'm really sorry if there's a huge time gap between chapters. Try and be patient with me as the exam is really stressing me out!


Gerard's POV

(24 hours earlier)

I sigh as I wake up to a gloomy image outside my window. It's dark and dusty and no birds cheeping can be heard. Just how I feel.

I get up and brush my teeth, sort myself out, and then get dressed before heading to the stairs. I stop and glance at my brother's bedroom door. He hasn't come out since we got here. He could be dead for all I know. An unpleasant feeling lurked in my stomach at the thought of it. No. He's not dead.

My feet carry me down the stairs and into the kitchen where my mother and father are sat, eating breakfast.

"Morning, Gerard," mom says, but her voice isn't exactly welcoming.

"No improvements on Michael?" dad asked me, glancing up from his toast.

I scoff, my fists clenching. He doesn't care about Mikey, he never has.

"Don't act like you care," I snap.

My mother shot me a glare whilst Donald just blinked, his cold eyes closing to escape my heated gaze.

"I do care, Gerard," he whispers, but his voice isn't warm either.

"No you don't. You only care about my education. Why can't you care about the son who is smarter than me? Who probably had a future before turning into some sort of.... monster!" I shout, throwing my arms up in frustration.

"Do not talk to us like that, young man," Donna scolded, the fork in her hand made firm contact with her plate, making it crack.

"I'll talk to you how I want to talk to you!" I snarl.

I make beeline for the door after I grabbed my bag.

"No school today son, and you’re not allowed out," mom reminded me, her tone going softer.


"Watch me," I snark, slamming the door behind me.

I head out to the front gates before taking a breath. What has life come to?

I grab my cigarette packet and take one out. I grab the last match and swipe it viciously against the side of the packet, making the flame explode and swipe my finger, making me drop it instantly with a jump.

"Shit," I curse, shaking my hand crazily, trying to get it to stop stinging.

I sigh as I place my finger in my mouth, but it only reduces the pain, it doesn't get rid of it. Then I realise that it was indeed my last match. I groan before heading out to the shops to get a lighter, but then I remember there's a lighter in my kitchen.

A smirk plays on my lips before I run back to my house and through the side gate, ready to enter the house from the back.

No one was in the back room so that's good. Dad will be leaving for work soon, so he shouldn't be a problem. Avoiding mom was what I was worried about.

I bend down into a crouch behind the dryer to keep out of sight. I see mom enter the washroom and I lean back slightly, just to make sure I can't be seen. I then stand up slowly, ready to sit back down quickly if she enters again. When I make sure the coast is clear, I jump up and make a run for the kitchen.

I open the drawer with ease and grab the nearest lighter. I stuff it in my pocket before going into the living room because there's no way I can get caught now. I grab the door handle triumphantly and smirk smugly as I exit the house once again.

I reach the familiar front gates and what I saw made me forget all about my nicotine desire.

Frank was kissing Samantha!

I instantly drop my lighter and run away from them, knowing the terrifying thought in the back of my mind has come true.

I didn’t even notice Mikey watching me from his bedroom window...

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