You're Under Arrest

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Frank's POV


Okay I am really confused. So there's three bodies burned to ashes and the lighter that started the demolishing blazing fire isn't even Gerard's. Fuck. I hope this isn't one of them CSI's specials or whatever, cause that crap freaks the shit outta me.

"I told you," Ray snags, and there's the casual 'I told you so' behind his voice, but there's no significant smirk, I don't think any one of us could smile if we tried.

Gerard narrows his eyes, ready to start shoving Ray, and then they'll probably endure in one of the most pathetic lamest fights that ever existed, but Gerard keeps his hands to himself.

"I don't see how this is possible," Gee says instead.

"Well obviously it is and you better believe it cause I'm going to have a fucking aneurism if I wake up and all this shit was a flipping dream," Mikey scoffs.

"Language," one of the firemen scolds, turning briefly to tut at Mikey.

"How old are you lot anyway? Aren't you a little young to smoke?" another guys asks, suddenly putting all his attention on us.

Shit. Oh God...

"Err, no, I'm eighteen, nineteen in a couple of weeks so I'm legal," Gerard tells him quickly.

I wince slightly, because maybe the age legal thing is twenty one. Or maybe it is eighteen. I don't even know.

The guy raises an eyebrow but doesn't make for a phone to ring up the police, so I'm guessing Gerard was correct.

He looks at me and clearly sees that I'm younger than all of them.

The guy seems to be sniffing at me, and I raise an eyebrow and fold my arms.

"Excuse me," I say pointedly, "But that is extremely rude."

He seems to have erupted a low growl, but he doesn't persist. No, instead he rolls his eyes and turns slightly to resume the conversation he was having with a group of firemen.

"What happens now?" Ray asks, biting his lip.

"Well, for starters, I want to know who invaded my house," Gerard sighs, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Are you Gerard Way?" a burly man who has way too many muscles boomed, making me jump slightly.

"Yeah?" the teenager in question turns his head to glance up at the tall guy, who was glaring down at us.

"You're under arrest."


A/N: I apologise for it being short, I just had so much to do with my Science and stuff. I hope you can be patient with me. I'll be updating this story every weekend. I promise you that.

If anyone wants to make a request for a story then I'm happy to write it for you. I don't care if you want a simple one shot or a full on chaptered story. I'll try my best to update it every week at least one, possibly twice if I'm lucky. Well, I gotta go, but if you really want a story, because I'd love to do it for you, then comment saying what pairing you want (Peterick, Joncer, Frerard, Rydon, Rikey, Gabilliam etc) what universe you want it to be (domestic, au, etc) and I'll get right on it.

God that was long. Sorry. Again. :D

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