Burned (Part 2)

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Frank's POV

(Three hours earlier)

"You shouldn't try and escape, Frankie," Sam laughs bitterly, circling me before I reach my hand out and pull her towards the floor next to me.

My hand tightened against her wrist, but no sign of pain resulted on her features. No, she just smirked more.

"Why not? There's no fun if I don't try," I wink at her, trying a different tactic for me to get out of here.

Just play along. A couple minutes of harmless flirting then she'll let me go. Simple.

Her eyes hardened for a second as she turned her wrist sharply so she was holding me.

"Don't try anything, Iero, I'll have you know that I know karate," she whispered darkly into my ear.

I sigh with agitation.

"I know. That's all you talk about. Karate and dance and fashion and fucking sex. That's all I hear from you and it's downright disgusting!" I snap.

She giggled innocently before flipping her long hair behind her shoulder in, what I'm guessing, a way that she thinks is seductively. It really isn't. And even if it was, I'm not interested. And she knows that.

"What's the harm in... little... experiments," her eyes turned red, or is it just me?

"If you haven't noticed," I feel obliged to say, "I don't actually swing this way."

I heard her scoff and she climbed off of me.

"Well swing the bat around again!" she growled, her touch on my wrist turning cold.

"I'd rather hang out with werewolves," I snarl, "And if you didn't know already, you should really be offended."

Her eyes flared before she turned and pinned me to the floor.

"You, mister, are going to take me on a date or I'll tell your mother that you beat me up just for being here!" she blackmailed, smirking smugly.

"You can't do that! You don't have any bruises or proof!" I pointed out, squirming under her body.

She really is strong.

"You'd be surprised what a little make-up can do," she told me, her eyes glistening.

"Fine! Tell my parents I beat you up if you want! Jeez, and you wonder why people never go out with you! It's because you're a fucking bitch with no manners and a whole lot of devilness!" I snipe.

She freezes against me like my words have finally got to her. Thank fuck.

But then she rolls off of me and smashes her mouth against mine.

I instantly pull away, kicking her in the stomach before scrambling to my feet and running out of my house.

I hear her following me, and I feel like Batman getting chased by the Joker. Her laugh. I swear. She could be fucking Harley Quinn in disguise for all I know!

I make a sprint for the only person's house of which I need to be. Gerard's. I can't go another day without seeing him! Especially with Harley turning up and ruining my life.

I finally make it to his street and I slow down to a jog once his house is in sight.

No lights are on and but I see the outline of Gee's mother in the washing room. I glance upwards and see the slight move of Mikey's bedroom window's curtain. That's odd... Has he finally moved?

Before I can even think about entering my boyfriend's garden someone grabs me around and smashing their mouth against mine. This time she had a vice like grip and there's no way of getting out of it. I kick under the pressure and I try with all my might to pull away from her.

I hear a slight noise in the background, it sounded like something just fell onto the ground. I try and move my head out of her reach and also to see what had just happened behind me, but Sam's hands fly up to my face and keep me steady.

I thrash under her grip and I finally knee her in a sensitive place before she falls to the ground.

I turn sharply, but no one seems to be in sight. I glance at the Way's gate, and it's slightly open, and there's a burned out match with a lighter next to it.

Oh no. Please tell me Gerard did not see that! I panic and turn to see Sam smiling triumphantly. She saw Gerard see us! That cow!

"This was your plan all along, wasn't it?" I demand, my eyes already watering.

She gets up slowly and sniggers.

"Sure, sure, blame me," she sighs, rolling her eyes.

I clench my fists and punch her right there and then.

She stumbled back slightly, before she jumped up into the air and skipped into the Way's front garden.

"Don't you dare go in there!" I yell after her when I realise that their front door was opened ever-so-slightly.

She turned around and winked at me before entering the house.

I scream to no one but myself and my eyes catch the sight of a shadow above me. I raise my head and I see the outline of Mikey's figure disappearing from the window.

He was watching. He knows she's in there...


No one's POV

Mikey's fists clench tightly as he backed away from the window. He may be a dead soul inside, but right now, that bitch just ruined his brother's life. And shit, that isn't good.

Michael opens his door for the first time in God knows how long, and he realises he is in desperate need of the toilet. But his bladder could wait.

The younger Way brother could hear the distant singing of a familiar voice. The voice that broke Frank and Gerard. His fists slammed down and broke the coffee table near the banister of the stairs. A low growl rumbled in Mike's throat before he crept down the stairs, no emotions could be read on his face.

The front door was opened widely and he strolled towards it, like a ghost drifting through a familiar place but still had no recognition of it. He bent down slightly, away from the sun's rays, before snatching up the lighter which was, evidently, open. Meaning the flame had been roaring for quite a while now.

Mikey had been watching. He's seen everything. He saw Gerard drop the flame, he saw Gerard come back out with a lighter, he saw Frank's mishap and he saw his brother running away. The singing got louder and he couldn't help but think that the enemy was in his house.

His grip tightened on the lighter before he was about to head inside, ready to dispose of the girl. But his eyes caught a faint shadow, and he turned fully to see what it was.

Gerard. Sat on the pavement. Crying.

Mikey instantly forgot the young woman inside and threw the lighter over his shoulder before making his way towards his brother.

He hissed as the light collapsed on him, and the heat was overwhelming now that the day was at it's peek. He wasn't used to this. He hasn't been exposed to the sun in weeks. But now his brother needed him, and maybe not everything inside Michael died.

But he didn't notice the way that the lighter landed in the living room, still open by the way, and it skidded onto the carpet in the centre of the room. The faint singing of Samantha still rang throughout the house, but now as the flame flickered and the carpet caught alight, the singing died out just like her voice altogether...

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