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Ray's POV


Holy shit. Fire!

I rush towards it, scared shitless that my friends are in there. I start crying immediately. Mikey. Gerard.

Frank runs up to me and flings his arms around my neck in a tight hug.

"They're safe!" he exclaims, clinging onto me.

"W-What?" I stammer through choked sobs.

"Gerard, Mikey! They're fine! They weren't in the fire!" Frank shouts, struggling to keep upright.

I freeze and a big ball of smoke inside my lungs just drifted out of my mouth like as if I was in a flipping cartoon. They're fine! They're alive!

"Thank God," I breathe, holding Frank back tightly, feeling very relieved.

I feel him nod against me, and I just realise how young he is. I mean, he's only two years younger than me and Gerard, and only one year behind Mikey, but he just feels so small. Ha. Yeah.

"Ray!" a voice exclaims, and I know that voice.

Frank instantly lets go of me with his signature smirk. I turn slightly so I could be assaulted with another body once again.

Mikey didn't tackle me like Frank did. He carefully, and very slowly,  nestled into me, his arms around my waste and his head nuzzled into my shoulder. I freeze slightly, before putting my arms around the shaking body.

He's alive. He's still here with me. And even though he threatened us a month ago or so it was a terrifying thought that he wouldn't be with me anymore. That he would have been burnt alive. I shudder at the thought, and press my body tightly against Mikey's, just so I know he isn't going anywhere.

"Guys, where's Gerard?" Frank asks, his question more aimed at Mikey.

Michael shuffled a bit before loosening his grip on me, but he didn't let go.

"He went to get help as soon as we both noticed the fire. Our.... Our mother's in there!" Mikey crumbled into me, and I had to hold onto him firmly so he wouldn't slip through my grip.

I hear Frank breathe out hastily.

Donna's dying. No, Donna's dead.

"And so is Sammy," Frank said suddenly, as if it was a sudden realisation.

Only seconds later did we hear the alarm bell that came with the big fire truck that was coming this way. Gerard was with a fireman, and Gee seemed to be answering some questions.

I couldn't make out what Gerard was saying, but his mouth was moving, and it was directed to the fireman, so I guess it was some simple questions.

Frank turned and ran straight for my best friend.

Gerard stops still when he sees Frank run up to him. Something odd was going on, but I don't know what.

"Gerard... Are you okay?" Frank asks attentively, scared slightly.

"Frank," Gerard whispered, as if the boy in front of him wasn't real.

"Make up already! Gee, Frank didn't kiss Sammy, Sammy assaulted and forced kissed Frank. Frank, Gerard only lies now because he thinks he's failed me, and he misses you so much," Mikey snapped, as if his cold side had just opened up again.

"Just apologise, we have bigger things to be worrying about," I continue, gesturing towards the house which has flames dancing around it.

"I'm sorry," Gerard muttered, but his eyes were genuinely apologetic.

"Me too. And trust me when I say this Gee, I never liked he when we were going out, and I certainly don't like her now," Frank reassured him, before they both hugged.

I sigh. Finally!

The fireman was distracted by the house, and he kept calling out orders for the other men. Some of them entered the building! What the fuck?!

"How many people are in there?" one of the older ones asked us, pen in hand with a clipboard.

"T-Two," Gerard stammered, holding onto Frank.

Mikey sniffled into my shoulder and I miss this. I miss the real Mikey and this is him. I want this Mikey to be permanent. I never wanted him to change.

""How many reported bodies?" the man asked through his walkie-talkie thing.


The word echoed through our ears. Who the fuck was in there?

To The End (Frerard, Rikey)Where stories live. Discover now