Five Minutes Later

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Gerard's POV

It's not ideal, but since when is fucking prison ideal? It's not warm. The food isn't edible. It hurts, basically, as I lay on the 'bed'. I still don't deserve to be here, but the convincing stage has closed and here I am. Our plans have run out and my time has officially begun. Only a couple of decades. I've never been good at maths, so I can't tell you the right amount of days.

It's fine though because it's me, not any of them, so I'm fine. Well, that's another lie, but it isn't all bad. I haven't spoken to the other prisoners, I'm quite scared to be honest. I shouldn't be scared but I am so you know, call me a wimp. It's not like it's fresh news that I'm a bit of a coward, I mean, everyone knew that.

I decided to write what I do down at the time I'm doing it. Sort of like a diary, but it's present tense, not past. I don't know why I'm doing it that way, probably so I have something to actually do during the day. I haven't been here that long to be honest, but still, it's worth planning ahead.

I've seen the movies, if that counts. It's fun though because I can play the harmonica and count the minutes I've spent so far in my cell with a piece of chalk. I remember Scooby and Shaggy doing that. I watched too many cartoons.

So far it's been three minutes today, so I can mark off the third line in a second or so. When I can be bothered. I'll do it soon though, before another minute is up. I mean, you have to do it like that, or you could just wait five minutes and put five more lines on the wall, proving it's been recorded.

You can tell I lived a sad life even outside of prison. It comes off pretty easily, doesn't it?

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