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"Come my child, we must leave at once."

Layla felt nervous, biting her lower lip in thought, following behind the kind vampire sire who is giving her the chance to follow her dreams and inspirations in the one place that may hold her future.

"Sire Crowley, I want to thank you for giving me this chance, and for your kindness." Layla softly said, looking up at the tall, handsome man before her wearing a dark expensive suit with his long dark hair held back in a ponytail at his nape, with his pale complexion and ruby red eyes staring down at her.

"My child, no need to thank me, I have watched you over the last few years working day in and day out, showing your kind heart that shines like a bright star in the night, giving those a chance to be happy even when they are not." Lucien tenderly said, gently grabbing the young girl's small hand and they briskly walked towards the private jet he owns for his travels.

Layla can feel her heart race with pure happiness, knowing once her so-called family realize she is 'missing', they won't care what happens to her only for her brother's who are trying to get a scholarship to attend the academy she was accepted to without trying.

She took her seat next to Sire Crowley, putting on her seat belt feeling how exhausted her body was even when she can feel the pain from last nights beating's her father had given her for something she had no control over.

"Rest, Layla. It will be a long flight from New York City to Naples, Italy." Lucien softly said, tucking her in with the blanket his late mother had made for him, and now he will be giving it to this sweet young human girl who has only shown him kindness and trust.

He gently pressed a kiss upon her golden locks of hair, taking his seat and turning on his laptop to continue his work from here until they arrive to Italy where he will help guide Layla among his people and help her reach her true potential in life.

"Layla, sweetheart, it's time to wake up, my dear." Layla softly mewled at the deep male voice, trying to remember what was going on, and when her fuzzy mind finally jump started, she woke up giving Sire Crowley a shy smile with her rosy cheeks a flame.

Layla stretched out her tired limbs, placing her small hand into the cool hand of Lucien who is helping her down the stairs of the private jet, towards the waiting car to take them to the Academy. She looked out of the car window with bright eyes, wondering how a beautiful place can still exist in the modern world they live in.

"Sire, we have arrived, and the guards are out tonight it seems." The driver spoke with a heavy Italian accent, keeping his own ruby eyes strained onto the road, driving pass the few vampire guards on night duty towards the main doors to the castle that is now bustling with students and teachers a like within the walls of this tall gothic castle.

"Thank you, Alexander." Lucien said, stepping out of the car, and helping the young girl with him, holding her small hand in his to keep her safe, until they reached his office and explained what will happen from now on wards.

* * * * *

"Here, Layla, take a seat." Lucien softly said with a small smile, gesturing with his had for the young girl to take a seat, while he searches for what needs to make Layla a new student attending the Academy following the next batch of new students coming in the next few days.

"Sire Crowley? Can I ask, if my twin brother's Landon and Liam Monroe are in this batch of chosen new students?" Layla nervously asked, playing with her fingers in a nervous habit watching him carefully from his spot near the cabinet that holds all files.

"Hm, I can have a look my dear. If they are in this group of batched new students, then I will have you staying with Sire Gemstone and helping him in the library as your compensation to attend the school along with the humans that attend."

Layla agreed knowing her brother's will try to get out of working or do anything that could ruin their reputation, when in reality, her brother's with have a rude awakening, who actually rules these grounds, and they are below the food chain when it concerns the young vampire sires that attend the academy.

"Well, sweet Layla, seems your gut was telling you the truth on the matter of your twin brother's seems they will be arriving with the next batch of new students." Lucien worriedly said, knowing what those two can do towards a soft, kind-hearted soul such as Layla. "Well, I have sent word for Sire Gemstone to meet us here and we will discuss what we can do to keep you and those vile boys away from you."

"I understand, Sire Crowley." Layla softly said, shyly smiling up at him with her hands folded on her lap nervously.

She shyly looked down hiding her gemstone blue eyes framed by black long eyelashes gracing her soft ivory skin with a small button nose and full plump lips with her round heart shape face framed with long golden thick natural ringlets riveting down to the middle of her back and above her full wholesome bosom held tight against her white button up shirt and black old dress pants along with her ripped white snickers upon her dainty small feet.

"My Lord, you called for me?" A tenor voice spoke, entering the office and standing near Layla who looked up at the Sire Gemstone, wondering if all vampires were breathed upon from the gods to make them all very good looking in the eyes of mortals.

"Ah, yes. Joseph, glad you were able to make time. I spoke to you about the young girl, Layla Monroe, well it seems she has agreed to work and help you in the library while she attends her studies here at Argonese Academy."

Sire Gemstone stared the young girl with narrowed eyes, trying to see why the head of the council would bring upon this young girl, and when he saw what he was looking for he understood why Lord Crowley would bring this shy kind-hearted young girl.

"Fantastic! I am glad to finally meet you, miss Layla. I will have you, stay in my side of the castle away from the commotion of daily living with the other students and I will personally take you your classes ad show you around myself." Sire Gemstone said with a soft smile on his face, watching the young girl shyly return her own smile.

"Thank-you, Sire Gemstone. I am happy to meet with you as well, and I will do my best follow all of your rules and work alongside you to help keep up the library standards." Layla softly said, standing up and bowing slightly to show her gratitude towards the one who will take her in.

Joseph was flabbergasted to see how truly polite this young girl was, and he could not believe the mental strength she holds with the strong determination in her eyes.

"Well, why don't leave Lord Crowley and head on home and I will start to explain everything here, my dear." Layla nodded, giving Sire Crowley a quick warm hug, and saying her goodbyes wondering when her new life will begin and start a new.

"Tell me, Layla. How did you meet with Lord Crowley?" Joseph curiously asked, wondering how this tiny human girl, was able to get the head councilmen to personally bring her here to attend the academy.

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