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Layla was in the kitchen holding her son on her hip while she was cooking dinner knowing her husband was on his way home before dinner began.

"Liam, can you do me a favor and take Atticus please, I do not want him in the crossfires when Lorane comes back with Landon and Makayla." Layla said handing her son over to his uncle who took him and cooed making the little boy giggle and clap his hands happily.

"Milady, I want to introduce to my niece Makayla and her mate Landon Monroe." Lorane said curtsying towards the lady of the house when her eyes widened seeing a similar face to her niece's mate.

Layla hummed keeping her thoughts to herself before she even decides to face them, giving her brother a look to leave with Atticus.

"Wait? How is Liam here?" Landon whispered looking surprised to his twin holding the little baby in his arms with a smile and looking different then he last saw him even when he completely ignored him.

Lorane watched her Lady continue to cook supper and once she turned around to face the three of them, she was radiating power showing who is in-charge of this household.

"Seems we meet again, dear brother and Makayla." Layla calmly states silently telling Lorane to go and continue her housework with the other chamber maids.

Makayla's eyes widened slightly seeing this young vampire girl display how much strength and power she holds against those apposing her and now she wonders who the lord of these lands was like and maybe she could try and be with him instead and become the lady of the coven.

Landon had no idea what his wife and mate was planning, yet Layla was able to hear the wicked young vampire think about stealing her husband from her and that was laughable seeing what happened to the last girl who tried.

"Layla, my sweet love, where are ye my wee angel?" A deep voice spoke entering the kitchen to see his petite wife staring down Lorane's niece and what surprised him slightly was seeing Landon the arsehole who thought it was a good idea to go after his wife all those years ago along with his human friends.

Layla's eyes lit up seeing her husband come home from his long business trip, and she quickly launched at him climbing up his large frame to plant a kiss upon his lips and Adrien quickly wrapped one of his arms around her thighs wrapped around his waist ignoring the couple in the room to greet his loving wife.

Makayla's eyes widened to see this large male who could be a sexy male model with how fit he was in all of the right places and now she is more then determine to make the lord of this coven hers not caring for her mate at all.

"Holy shit, what happened to sire Montgomery, he looks like he could be on steroids with how built he looks, and he is huge." Landon said aloud giving the power couple a quick glance with wonder.

"Well, this happens when ye train non-stop and enjoy fresh animal blood over human blood consumptions." Adrien calmly stated placing his wife down and leaving the room to go in search of his son who he adores just as much as his wife.

Layla shook her head smiling feeling happy her husband was home and they can start planning the demise of Makayla after speaking with Lorane and Landon about what she is planning on trying to do.

After a few hours, the table was set up with the laird and his lady sitting at the head of the table with there son in between them in his highchair enjoying being around his parent's and loved ones.

Liam briefly spoke with Adrien about everything and being accepted for being who he once was and showing him, he has changed and wants to be there for his nephew and his little sister now that he has found his second chance mate with one of Adrien's head guards who is now wanting to be the one who watches over Atticus and be apart of his protection detail when he is older.

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