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Maybe this is what he needs to do from now on, maybe he needs to figure himself out and praying he will find his own second chance mate and praying this time around he will have what his siblings have with his own little mate.

Landon closed his eyes allowing the moon to give him what he needs to help him move on with his life and forget what has happened with his ex-mate his little sister killed that evening before they were able to stop her from going after the lady of the Montgomery Coven.

* * * * *

Four years have passed since everything happened and everyone within the Montgomery Coven have been living their lives with pure happiness.

Layla found her happily ever after with her mate and husband who has given her everything she has wished for ever since she was a little girl.

Liam has found his life with his mate who has been everything to him and showing him everyday he is living his love for him and that is all he has ever asked for from the man who stole his heart.

Landon well, has yet to find that missing piece of his heart and he wishes he can ask his sire if he can leave to search for what was missing and return home with that special someone he wants to shower with his love and keep them safe.

Landon watches his five-year-old nephew who has grown into a fine young man with a heart of gold just like his mother and of course his niece who takes after her father, being his little princess that everyone adores.

He wishes for this one day with his own mate seeing how this truly means to reach pure happiness with the one will love for all lifetimes.

He push himself from the far wall making his way over towards his sire preparing for the answer he will give him and whatever he deems he will follow.

"Sire may I speak with you." Adrien hummed staring at his little brother in thought seeing something has been bothering him for some time.

Aye, why don't we head to my office, and we can talk there." Adrien offered handing over his little princess towards her mother before gesturing Landon to follow him.

Both men took their seats by the fireplace and Landon was nervous wondering if he would allow him to leave and search for what he desires the most in life.

"Sire, I am asking you if I may leave for some time to go search for my mate." Landon said with determination even though he was feeling anxious to hear what his sire would say to him leaving temporary.

Adrien and his wife knew this was going to happen one day and now that the day has arrive there was no need for them to keep Landon on a leash when they all can see he is missing the warmth and love from having a mate who cares.

"Aye, ye may go and search for your mate, brother. Remember if I send word for ye to return, ye better come home." Adrien said with a smirk with amusement in his eyes.

Landon shook his head chuckling from his eldest brother knowing this was his sister's doing seeing how she wants everyone to be happy and find what has been missing in there lives ever since they were once human.

"Yes, I will return once you send word for me and hopefully by then I will have found my mate, and they will come home with me." Landon said with a far-off look wondering what it would be like to have that connection.

Adrien watched feeling remorse for the young lad knowing how hard it is to want something to bad and yet you need to wait until you can find that missing piece of yourself.

"Ye better leave now lad. I will inform everyone what has happened." Adrien said giving his brother a hug and wishing good luck in finding what he had been searching for in the last few years.

* * * * *

Landon arrived back in Manhattan wondering if this was such a good idea in the first place and now with his connections from his brother, he knew this is what needs to happen to help him along his journey of finding his own happiness.

He stepped into the building where Jackson is working right now, and he made his way upstairs ignoring all of the stares from all of the unwanted stares from the female workers seeing how he no longer wants to be what he use to be long time ago.

"Landon! I am glad you are here! I need your help!" Jackson whined out grabbing the poor vampire by the front of his shirt pulling him into his office and forcing him to seat in front of his computer.

"You have got to fix this and find out who in the hell is trying to get into the database of the company." Jackson sternly order with his arms crossed his chest watching Landon do what he does best hacking and fixing the computers firewalls.

"I can get this done in an hour, why don't you go for your lunch break, and I will let you know when I have this done." Landon said not taking his eyes off the screen and moving his slender fingers across the keyboard.

Jackson left him to his job going not meet with his mate and children for lunch seeing how it was close to two in the afternoon.

The hour went by, and Landon was quick to find out what was going on and he quickly found who was trying to steal with from the company and that was his own damn father who works in the human resource department.

He carefully texted Jackson who it was and after he was done, he left to find his own office nearby Jackson seeing how he was now going to be his personal assistant and computer tech specialist while he is searching for his heart string.

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