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Layla was surprised to see Patrick sitting in the kitchen watching her brother with a similar look her mate gave her when they first met a year ago.

She bit her lip wondering if this was as sign for her brother to finally have what he has been missing all his life with someone who is not only a strong night guard from the royal vampire guards, but also someone who has wished to find his heart string for eons to shower him with all of the love he has to give.

She gently put her son into his highchair settling him there before she went to make him some food for breakfast and trying to keep an eye on what was going on, now that she can see her older brother sitting there all flustered and feeling confused.

"Liam why don't we hang out today and go out for a bit with Atticus?" Layla chirped out placing a plate of fruit and pancakes before her son who happily dug into his meal making a mess of it making everyone in the room smile.

"Yeah, I would love that actually, sis." Liam agreed grabbing a few napkins and taking care of his little nephew cleaning him up and trying to ignore the intense stare the other man in the room was giving him.

Layla tapped Patrick on the shoulder silently telling him to follow her into the other room letting her brother watch over her son with the other guards watching over them both while she dealt with the issue at hand.

She turned to face Patrick with a knowing look in her eyes, and the guard gave her shy bashful look trying to understand what his lady was trying to do.

"Patrick, what is going on between you and my brother Liam?" Layla softly asked giving him a soft smile.

Patrick looked at the lady of the household letting out a heavy sigh trying to understand if his heart was beating with the same intensity, it has been ever since he smelt that strong scent that was coming off Liam who he found last night on his patrol around the estate.

"Milady, I think the lad could be my heart string. I have never felt my dark cold heart beat the way it does when I am near him nor when I take in his strong scent that drives my instincts wild. I dinnae ken on what to do." Patrick worriedly told his lady trying to put his mind out of it's misery.

Layla was happy to know her brother was going to be treated like a prince when it comes to this strong warrior vampire who will do everything to keep him happy and feeling loved.

"Patrick, you know the only way to find out why is by asking him for a taste. I am sure my brother will let you and when you absolutely know he is your heart string, I will leave you two to decided what to do next." Layla softly told the man before her, walking back into the kitchen taking her son into her arms facing Patrick who crouched down in front of her brother who was staring at her for help.

"Liam, I know you dinnae ken on who I am, and I want to change that if you allow me to taste your blood to confirm my assumptions." Patrick deeply said staring the adorable blonde male before him with his deep rich blue eyes.

"Um, okay." Liam said giving Patrick his left wrist and before he knew what was going on Patrick sunk his fangs into his flesh to taste his blood.

When Liam's blood burst into his mouth his eyes glowed with need knowing his instincts were spot on when he smelt his little prince's scent and blood that was calling to him, he extracted his fangs letting his tongue heal his mate.

"Liam, if you have me, I will do everything in my power to treat you right and support you in everything." Patrick strongly promised looking his little mate in the eyes seeing the inner pain he has endured and with understanding Patrick grabbed the back of his head smashing their lips together sharing a loving kiss between them both.

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