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"Mo ghràdh (my love), what are ye reading?" Adrien happily asked with a soft look and smile.

Layla shyly gave him a smile in return telling him all about the book she was reading, and Adrien watched her face light up with enjoyment and he fell more in love with her purity and loving soul.

Layla is sitting outside the small garden that looks out towards the large rolling hills of the highlands letting the cool breeze sooth her tired mind.

She closed her eyes under her sunglasses letting the sunshine down upon her spreading out her sense with her newfound gifts that came to life the moment her husband and mate turned her into a vampire almost three weeks ago.

Remembering that wonderful day when she married the man she fell more in love with over everyday since they met almost a month ago now back at the Academy, where they will be returning to on the request of Sire Crowley.

"Mo ghràdh (my love), are ye our here?" Layla giggled watching her husband walk over to her wearing his father's old clan head outfit that shows who is the next head of the Montgomery Coven her in Edinburgh.

"Yes, my dear husband, what can I do for you?" she softly said smiling and wearing a emerald, green long sleeve dress with a corset and flats on her dainty feet.

Adrien was awestruck to see his wife's beauty even with her transformation she was by far the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his long life, and he was glad she was his mate for life.

He walked up to her, grabbing her hand and twirling her hearing her soft laughter fill the air around them, and this was what he wants with his wife and future children, raising them in the same place he grew up.

That is why he decided he would rather take over the small business here then being in the busy streets of new york, when he can see his wife is more relaxed and happier here then in the large nosy place of Manhattan.

"Well, Mo ghràdh (my love), you look beautiful."

"You look handsome, my lovely husband and I am starting to get the urge again." Layla said with a blush that Adrien was happy to see appear on her ivory skin.

"Of course, Mo ghràdh (my love), let us get ye fed." Adrien softly said kissing her forehead and walking with his wife hand in hand with her chatting away about hr gifts that she was enjoying learning and understand them.

"My laird someone is here to see ye." One of his vampire underlings who have worked under his late father seeing how a few of the vampire families who were not here when the massacre had happened all those years ago survived and waited for his return to take his mantle and place as the next Laird of his coven.

"Hm, did they say who they were?" Adrien asked, kissing the top of his wife's head, and leaving the room to see who was here.

Shaking his head, he was not surprised to see Jackson was here along with Sire Knowles and his daughter who was dressed in something unpleasant to the eyes.

"Jackson what a lovely surprised, my wee wife would love to see ye once again." Adrien smirked out watching the colour drain from the other vampire sires face.

"Wife? My lord, what do mean wife, I thought you have yet to find your mate and heart string?"

"He did find his wife and heart string." Layla spoke out making her way over gracefully with a few female vampire underlying's following close to her with respect seeing she was now the lady of the Montgomery household.

"Who might you be, may I ask."

Layla took off her sunglasses showing off her new lilac eye colour showing her vampiric new self seeing how she was recently turned three weeks ago.

The young female vampire who came her with her father was not happy to find out her husband to be, was with some trash who thinks she is the true lady of this household when it should be her.

"Sire, I want ye to meet my heart string and wife Layla Montgomery." Adrien politely introduced his wife seeing how she was using some of her gifts that only he and his sire Crowley knew about even before she turned into a fledgling vampire.

Layla tilted her head to the side eyeing the young female vampire before her glaring at her with modesty of anger, she raised one of her thin arched blonde eyebrows at her seeing how she narrowed her eyes even more and snarling with one of her fangs peaking out.

"Mairead can you please show our guests to their rooms." Layla softly order one of her chamber maids to take on the task at hand.

"Of course, milady Montgomery." Mairead happily said leaving the room with the unknown girl and her father while Jackson stayed behind to talk more in private.

"Well, holy shit. I was not expecting for a show down between two female vampires." Jackson whistled out, sidestepping her mate who was about hit him upside the head.

"Stay put mutt!" Adrien hissed out tackling Jackson to the ground and Layla sighed shaking her head not in the mood to watch her husband and his best friend duke it out over trivial things.

"When you two are done, please go deal with the issue at hand and I will have dinner ready for everyone." Layla calmly stated leaving the men behind to deal with their own problems.

Adrien and Jackson both watched Layla leave the room with her chamber maids happily following her towards the kitchen where he knows his wife will cook dinner.

Adrien pushed Jackson off, standing to his feet fixing his clothes before helping his friend up, and they left the room to head towards his office at the top of the stairs.

"Damn you were not kidding when she changed and grew into herself since her transition from human to vampire." Jackson said with mirth in his eyes wondering what else that little doll can do now that she is a vampire.

In the kitchen Layla and her trusted chamber maids all began to start cooking a wonderful meal for everyone along with the fresh grizzly blood bleed dry and brewed in the last few days to make homemade animal blood wine.

The young female vampire that came with her father walked into the kitchen to see what the awful smell was coming from that was leaking through out the house.

She scrunched up her nose with a disgusted look when she saw the stupid blonde with long ringlet hair cascading down her back in the one of the dresses that shows, she was the lady of the house in which she was going to take away from this other vampire with baby lilac eyes.

"Hm, Mo ghràdh (my love), this smells lovely in here, what are ye making?" Adrien calmly said, making his way over to his wife and kissing her head, and tasting the wooden spoon of lamb stew with a mix of there blood wine mixed with the thicken sauce.

"Just some warm lamb stew, Adrien." Layla softly said, kissing his chin where she can reach in her small height of five foot two.

Adrien lovingly chuckled at hid wife kissing the top of her head before he grabbed a bottle of there homemade blood wine to take to his office with sire Knowles and Jackson waiting to try the wine he had made over the last few days.

Knowles daughter felt enraged when she was ignored by the man of her dreams as if she were not there in the room and with this nobody vampire girl taking all of his attention away from her, she knew she has to do something to become the lady of the house.

"Abigale, can you please go answer the door and see who is here, I do not believe we were supposed to have anyone else here." Layla softly told her head chamber maid.

Abigale curtsy to her mistress and left to answer the door and bring whoever was here towards the kitchen for them to speak with Lady Montgomery.

"Lord Crowley, and sire Gemstone. Welcome and please come in, and I will take ye to Lady Montgomery." Abigale gently said curtsying before the king and his scholar.

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