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"Well, back in new york city, where I was born with twin older brothers and parents who only cared for there son's and neglected their daughter, I was forced to worked to keep up with taking care of twin's needs even though our parents could do more for them than I could with my minimal wage job as a waitress." Layla softly said, looking down at her feet next to Sire Gemstone who was watching her with an unknown expression, waiting for her to finish what she needed to tell him.

"That was when I met Sire Crowley a few years ago, and he became one of my regulars and he was the only one who knew of my dark past and how I was being treated with my family." Layla finished with a whisper, trying to fight back her tears, and shaking her head to rid of the terrible memories from her childhood and past.

Joseph cursed himself, watching this young girl pull herself out of this inner turmoil and still smile through it all. "I am truly, sorry sweet Layla for asking." He said, pulling the young girl into a embrace to show her she was not alone anymore.

Layla was stunned for a second not believe another vampire sire was giving her a warm hug to help her calm down from her trouble thoughts and she gently wrapped her small arms around Sire Gemstone's waist, closing her eyes and letting her tears soak threw his satin long sleeve shirt, letting out her pent-up emotions, setting them free.

She felt feeling him tighten his arms around her and giving her something that no parent of hers have ever done, giving her the affection only a parent can give to there children.

"Shh, little one. All is well, I will do my best to replace the parental negligence your vile parent's had put you through in your young eighteen years of life." Joseph made the oath and promise, placing a kiss upon her golden locks of hair, wiping her tears away.

"Let's get you, to our quarters my dear." Joseph said, huddling the young girl along with him, briskly making there way towards the west side of the castle away from the living quarters of the human students.

* * * * *

Outside a lone male figure draped in dark clothing, hiding half of his face with his dark silk, breathable mask watching the hustle and bustle of the student bodies down below with the sun setting off in the distance on his night watch to keep the academy safe.

"Hey, Adrien. Do you think the fellow new students that are arriving tomorrow could be our heart strings?" Adrien looked up towards the sunset, seeing the range of warm colors splash across the sky, wondering if he would ever find his heart string, his mate.

"Aye, I do not ken if that would be possible or maybe we would have more to deal with when it comes to some of the humans who think they are better than everyone else." Adrien deeply spoke, letting his rich Scottish accent come alive, when he heard a noise coming from below seeing a few human girl's trying to locate the academy vampire guards.

"I swear these caileagan (girls), never give up, do they?" Adrien scoffed out, feeling annoyed that they would try and do something stupid to gain their attention.

"Want me to go inform Sire Crowley?" Adrien briefly gave his close friend a nod, watching his quickly leave his post, as he continued to keep his eyes and sense hyperaware of his surroundings.

Not even a few moments later, his garnet red eyes caught a glimpse of a young girl, walking arm in arm with Sire Gemstone and he is for sure he has never seen this little woman before, and for some weird reason he could not keep his eyes away from the angel with long golden blonde hair in ringlets cascading down her back.

Shaking his head, Adrien quickly looked from the scene wondering if maybe she could a new student starting at the Academy tomorrow and maybe he would be able to get a glimpse of her once again. "What in the hell is going on, this has never happened to me before, yearning for some lass, I have never met before and yet, my cold heart skipped a beat for the first time, could she be what I have been missing all this time?" Adrien thought, watching the young girl from his place high up on the castle towers in the shadows, not wanting to be found just yet, encase something goes wrong on his watch.

* * * * *

Layla went for a walk with Sire Gemstone, wondering around the castle grounds into her new school uniform a white long sleeve turtleneck satin shirt with a matching knee length skirt with white leggings and white ankle boots with buckles on the sides with black trimmings on the outfit itself along with the Academy Crest emblem attached with a strong chain with a red rose wrapped around gothic black cross resting above of chest.

She could feel someone was watching her, and she could not get the feeling of being watched out of her mind. She was not afraid of whoever was watching her, more or less it made her feel safer than alone as if whoever was keeping an eye on her was going to keep her safe while she attends the academy.

"My dear, seems to me our vampire night guards must be out securing the night watch. You do not need to be afraid of them, if you are out here along and it is dark out, do not fear of asking them for help, they will do as they should, as they are also apart of the vampire student body." Sire Gemstone explained to me.

Layla shyly gave him a soft smile, agreeing that she would do what she can, to seek their aid if she needs them, and knowing when her older brothers' do start here tomorrow, she will need there aid sooner rather then later.

She stared up towards the sunset watching the warm rays of the sun go down letting the moon and stars come out to play, displaying their beauty and the feeling of being watch came over her.

Closing her eyes, Layla slowly searched around to see who it could be watching her and when she squinted her eyes slightly, she could briefly see someone crouched in the shadows of the south high tower, and she could feel whoever it is, they mean no harm.

"Let us retire, my dear. You need to be up bright and early for your placement exam within the Academy." Layla turned her eyes away from the stranger watching from the tower, towards Sire Gemstone agreeing with him, and following him back towards there quarters to rest for tomorrow's early exams.

"Well, my dear. Good night, I shall see you in the morning. I need to attend to the library, and we will also discuss what you will be doing to help me tomorrow." Joseph whispered, tucking her into her bed, and kissing her forehead good night, leaving for his job at the Academy wondering what will happen with his new charge in a new dawn.

The following morning Layla ate her breakfast after getting ready into her school uniform, walking with Sire Gemstone who is showing her the way towards the placement exam room where all new students will meet to find out the right placement to help them reach their true potential.

Layla was feeling anxious looking around the large room filled with many other humans like her, coming to attend the academy and in the far-off corner she could see her twin brother's were already making friends with the other human male's.

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