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"Awe, she is so adorable." Jack happily chirped out crouched in front of the couple wanting to see her adorable face once again.

"Jack, deal with the woman and get rid of her." Adrien ordered out, carefully lifting his mate into his arms with her clinging to him like a baby koala bear.

He chuckled against her ear, placing a kiss on her temple taking his seat in his chair with his mate now straddling his lap with her eyes closed breathing softly telling them she fell asleep.

Jackson playfully saluted his friend and boss grabbing his assistant by her arm, dragging her behind to throw her out and fire her from her position.

Adrien watched on amused to say the least seeing his friend drag the woman out, and deal with her whiny attitude on the way out of his building.

A few hours later Adrien looked up from his work to see it was close to dinner time and he knew his mate is waiting for him downstairs as she wanted to know who the manager of the human resources department was.

He gathered what he needed before heading out and going to search for his mate, who he believes is still downstairs and what he was not expecting was to see his sweet mate standing behind Jackson clutching his shirt and watching on amused from his back.

Adrien was a little lost on what was going on and that was why he decided to watch from the shadows and see what this was all about before he jumps into action and deals with the problem.

* * * * *

Layla knew her mate was nearby watching the scene unfold before he decided what to do with the problem at hand when it concerns her safety.

"Mr. Monroe, what is your problem with the wife to our CEO?"

"Wife?!" Layla giggled behind Jackson's back hiding her face in his suit jacket after hearing her father loudly exclaimed.

Layla turned around watching her mate walk over calmly with his right hand shoved into his suit pocket and his left hand carrying his brief case filled with important documents to take with them on there trip.

"Well, I'll be. Ye are my wife's father are ye not?" Adrien calmly asked standing next to Jackson with his mate now standing between the two tall male's staring her father dead in the eyes.

"Who the hell are you and what do mean by wife?" Layla's father disgruntledly asked staring Adrien in the eyes with disgust.

Adrien felt his blood rage rise seeing how this damn man before him, was his mate's father indeed, his sweet Layla took after him in looks and not in personality thankfully.

"Well, Mr. Monroe what are ye doing here in my office building?" Adrien nonchalantly said staring the man down with his intense gaze.

"Martin what is going on?" a female voice spoke out and Layla quickly grabbed the back of her mate's suit coat trying to hide her small frame from the she-devil of her mother from seeing her.

Adrien's body stiffened now realizing why his mate was acting like the way she was when her father was here and now with this woman, he can hear her delicate heart race with anxiety and untold fear coursing in her veins.

He quickly used his right hand to give to his mate to hold quickly excuses themselves silently telling Jack to handle this while he got his mate out of there and taking her home to pack for there trip to Scotland his homeland.

"No need to worry my sweet love, I will never allow them to lay harm against ye in anyway." Adrien softly whispered helping her into the car as he got in himself placing his brief case by his feet pulling his mate against his chest.

Layla held onto him looking out the window calmly letting her mind wander to the past to the days where she would have her daily beatings for something she had no control over and being forced to work to pay for her older brother's getting new things while she was dealt with getting everything given to her from the second-hand store even though she did not mind.

The car ride was filled with comfortable silence for the couple in question seeing how the city was coming to life when the sunset and night life came about in the streets of Manhattan.

Adrien leaned his chin upon his hand looking out the window holding his mate close to his body with her now resting from the ordeal with the run in with her parent's.

"My lord, we have arrived, and it seems you may have company." Adrien tightened his hold on his mate, seeing a few people outside of his apartment building and he has no idea who the hell they could be, and he was not going to let this unknown danger to his sweet loving mate.

"Lionel get us out of here and take us towards the airstrip." Adrien ordered feeling the car start to move away and towards the airstrip where he quickly sent a text to his pilot to have the jet ready for a quick get away.

At the apartment complex a young woman was waiting with her father and mother after they heard the young lord of the Montgomery had returned from his years of service working under the Vampire King Lucien Crowley.

"Father, where is Adrien? I want to see him now." The woman huffed out demanding her father to get the man she wants to be hers even though they are not true mates.

The vampire sire shook his head having a feeling the young lord was not here and this could be a problem seeing how it was getting later then normal.

"Leon, have you called the young lord and spoke to him about us arriving to his residence?" Leon looked at his sire with unknown emotion not giving a damn this power-hungry father and daughter duo when he would be anywhere else but in this situation.

"Sire, I have spoken with him and told me to let you know he will speak with you once he has returned from his trip." Leon calmly stated cringing at the loud screech of the young vampire that was only eighteen years old in human years.

"I see, well then, I will call his office to make an appointment with him to discuss business concerning our clans prosperity." The vampire sire spoke, helping his daughter and wife towards there waiting car outside.

Adrien felt annoyed after listening to an old friend of his that retired from the royal guards eighteen years ago to return home to become his sire's personal guard for his own daughter who he has met over the years.

He could not stand how annoying and disrespectful she was towards everyone in her household even the one's who work for her family and coven.

He knows what the meeting is going to be about, and he knows the moment his mate is fully changed and can fully let herself be free from everything he knows her jealousy and protective instincts kick in he would need to find ways to keep her blood rage from coming out.

Adrien looked over towards his mate who was buckled up across from him reading a book curled up with the blanket Crowley had given her eating some snacks and drinking her cold ice that he knows she loves to drink.

He felt very happy and content watching her enjoy what she loves the most and that was when he realized maybe this trip will help him to let go of the past and move on with his future with his mate.

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