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"Alright, everyone! Please take a seat, so the testing can begin!" a deep voice reverberated around the large open room and Layla quickly took her seat where she was assigned to take her exam.

Looking down at her the exam paper she noticed it was a mix of both knowledge of the human and vampire race, and with how much she enjoys reading and learning about the different histories of different races and their customs she knew she might be placed into two different classes with one professor seeing how she knows so much already.

"Now, begin!" the same voice spoke through the microphone, watching everyone with a critical eye, showing his ruby red eyes round sharp features and pointed ears telling you his was a vampire and possibly one of the many different professors.

Layla picked up her pencil and began answering question after another an when the bell went off telling everyone to place there pencil's down, she quickly doubled checked she answered them all without missing a beat.

* * * * *

"How was it my dear?" Joseph asked wondering how his sweet, adopted daughter had done with her first exam of the year.

"Well, it was not too terrible. I realized after a while, with each question that was being asked, I knew I had to use what knowledge I have about the different vampire covens and who each were in charge and how many lords were alive and who will be taking over the covens in their stead when the time comes." Layla said, watching amused, giggling at Sire Gemstone who was staring at her with wide eyes now realizing how special this young girl was and whoever was lucky enough to claim her as their mate, will have a powerful partner with this one.

"Oh, my sweet child. I pray they do not place you into Professor Sire Lexton's class, that is not a place for you to be apart of." Joseph said, explaining each classroom and professor letting her know how the placement works with each human that enters the academy walls.

Layla listened carefully, now more than curious on where they will place her upon her scores and what her answers had been a few hours ago.

* * * * *

"My Lord Crowley, the young girl you brought with you. Her scores are those of astonishment marks and it would seem she would excel with the guidance of a tutor then begin within the mix classrooms." The professor who was in charge of the examination that happened earlier.

"Hmm, I can see that. I knew she was a special case, and I would agree, it would seem she needs to have someone teach her one on one and help her understand her growing gifts that would grow much stronger the moment she becomes a vampire herself." Lucien pointed out, knowing her and her mate will be something else when the time comes for them to meet.

"I see, you are saying this young girl is destined to be one of us when the time is right for her to change?" another professor asked, curious on the how and why this will happen with a human girl to be exact.

"Abigale, I know you are curious and what to know how I know, well the moment I met her I knew she was going to special, and I knew she will one day over come her dark past alongside the one who will fall to there knees for her." Lucien explained with mirth shining in his eyes.

"Then, who will teach her and guide her towards her future?" Lady Abigale exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at the old vampire with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I believe it would be best she learns within each small class with a select few humans and vampires from high class families, until her mate finds her, it would be best to have her within the classrooms and once she is mated and becomes a vampire to match her mate then she will attend the classes only specifically for vampires alone." Lucien ordered to all of the professors, discussing what needs to happen and how to keep her protected until that time has arrived.

* * * * *

Layla looks over the small scroll Joseph told her to read over, while she works on putting away the trolly of books that have been taken out and returned by students.

"Have you guys seen the guards of the school, they are so mysterious and very good looking." Layla heard a female voice whisper from behind the bookshelf she was attending too, wondering what they were talking about when it concerned the guards.

"I know, and I would love to tap Sire Montgomery. He is to die for, I mean with how tall he is, and his large muscular body hidden underneath the vampire male school uniform."

"Yeah, I agree, Sire Montgomery is one handsome vampire sire."

Layla shook her head feeling grossed out and on how these young girl's were disrespecting one of the young sires that was also one of the night guards.

She quickly moved on not wanting to hear anymore of there talks about which vampire night guard was more popular and how they were discussing them as if they were nothing but a piece of meat dangling for all to come after and tear apart.

"Excuse me?" a light male voice spoke from behind Layla making her jump slightly, from what she was doing when she turned around and saw a very tall, slender muscular man with his hands raised in surrender not wanting to scare her.

"I am so sorry, for scaring you. That was not my attention."

"I-It's alright. I was to deep in thought. I am sorry for not paying more attention in my surroundings." Layla softly apologized with a shy smile and rosy cheeks showing her embarrassment.

She noticed he was wearing a black uniform with white trimmings and combat boots along with a cloak clipped to the top his right shoulder, and she tilted her head trying to remember what each uniform means and when she figured it out, she blushed even more when the man before her was watching her amused seeing the emotions upon her face.

"Well, then. Um, do you think you can help me find the book I need for class that is coming up soon, and before I forget, my name is Sire Edward Holms, the second eldest son of the Sire of the Shadow Crest Coven in Manchester, England." Edward bowed before her, being polite towards the young girl he had spooked by accident.

"Oh, umm. Sure, I can help you, Sire Holms. What is that you are looking for?" Layla kindly asked, giving him a shy smile in return, pushing her hair behind her ear feeling her heart race with nerves.

Edward was surprised with how polite this young girl was and how mature she seems to be, even when he can tell she is very young and very petite with the lovely body of hers, even though he has a mate he loves dearly.

"I am looking for the dark musk falls book of tomes." Layla hummed, trying to remember where that specific book could be located.

"Well, why don't go to the front and I can look it up and see where it can be located." Layla happily said, pushing the small half empty cart back towards the front with the young guard following behind the young girl who has an air about her that screams innocence with a touch of fierceness that has yet to come out.

"Well, Sire Holms, seems to me the book you are looking for is at the top section of the library near the restricted section of the library." Layla told him, writing it down on a piece paper telling him exactly where to find the right book, while she continued her reshelving of books.

Edward thanked the kind young girl, watching her go back towards where she was last seen to finish her work and he left on his search for the book Professor Minx has asked of them all to find and bring to class.

Layla hummed, while she finished up her work ignoring the long glances of the other girl's who she overheard earlier talking about the guards in such a way that was revolting to hear even for her innocent virgin ears.

"Hm, look here girl's seems to me we have a new female student joining our ranks." A snarky female voice spoke from behind Layla who cursed softly under her breath not wanting to deal with disrespectful girl's who have no modesty for themselves.

Turning around Layla faced them head on with her head held up high, eyeing the ringleader of the group of girl's who were bad talking about the other young sires who are night guards of the academy.

"What is that you want?" Layla calmly asked, keeping her emotions hidden behind the fear she was feeling towards these unknown girl's.

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