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Many months move along within the Montgomery household and the Lady was now sitting on the floor of her bathroom wondering what in the world was going her body and how she was feeling more tired sending her husband out to hunt more then he normally would in any case.

She could not think of anything that could possibly cause this to happen with her body, the only other thing that she could think of was maybe she could be carrying there first child, and she was still unsure whether that was possible.

She stood up leaving the room to make her way downstairs where her husband was now talking with another man who was dressed in a semi-casual outfit along with a medical looking bag.

"Mo ghràdh (my love), please come here. I called the local doctor to come and check on you." Adrien worriedly said, helping his wife to take a seat next to him in the small kitchen with Dr. Justin Lacky.

"Hm, can you tell what has been concerning you, Lady Montgomery." The doctor asked listening to his patient telling him what was going on and her concerns about what she thinks could be.

Adrien listened carefully having the same thought pattern as this has been happening for a few months now ever since Lucien, Joseph and Jackson all left with Knowles now working under the king to attend to his needs.

"Well, if you can go see about using this little cup I can find out if you are correct in your assumptions." Dr. Lacky softly said giving Layla the small cup with orders of getting him a sample while he took out the right equipment when it concerns the supernatural pregnancies.

"My lord, I would suggest if she were right that she maybe pregnant, then I would suggest keeping your wife close by at all times especially in the early stages of her pregnancy."

Adrien nodded taking the doctor's advice to heart knowing if this is what was going on then he will need to make sure she is safe and out of harms way.

"Aye, I understand Doctor." Adrien said helping his wife to the small sitting room helping her to lay down and lifted her shirt up to expose her stomach.

Doctor Lacky was careful placing the cold gel upon her stomach using the small ultrasound machine he carries when helping many supernatural families know whether they are expecting or not.

He gently moved the want to find if there was anything and once, he found what he was looking for her can deduct that she was about eight weeks pregnant, and he was able to turn on the doppler letting the strong heartbeat of there little one.

Both Layla and Adrien were shocked to see there was a baby on the screen along with hearing the strong beating of there heart and this was joyous moment for the couple knowing they will have a little one running around soon enough.

"Well, Lady Mongomery seems your assumption was correct and looks here that you are about eight weeks pregnant." Doctor Lacky told the happily parents to be and gave them everything they will need to keep the mother to be happy with what she needs to keep their bundle of joy healthy.

Adrien thanked the Doctor after showing him to the door before heading back to his wife who was now in the kitchen making food and drinking another glass of fresh chilled blood and he knew he will be going hunting a lot more with his pregnant wife.

He wrapped his arms around her slim waist resting his hands around her stomach and kissing her neck taking in her changed scent calming his excitement.

"When do you want to tell everyone about the news?" Layla softly asked, tilting her head back and kissing her husbands chin.

Adrien leaned his chin on top her head in thought while she was cooking some lunch for them, he watched her silently not sure if it would be the right time to tell anyone right now.

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