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"Tell me, lass. What is your name?" Adrien asked, not taking his eyes off of the little beauty before him with the scent of wildflowers that use to grow in his old lands back in Scotland long a go when his coven and family were still alive.

"Layla, sire." Layla said softly with her head tilted to the side, curious if his hair was soft to the touch with how different it looks under the fluorescent lights.

She gently reached out, lightly running her hands through his hair not realizing what she was doing, and Adrien could not believe her touch was so gentle against his scalp and with her feather like touch running along his jawline he knew right then, she was his heart string.

He gently grabbed her wrist, placing a kiss upon the inside of her wrist right above the pulse point, and he could hear her heartbeat race with the same drumming his own heart was beating to match hers, and the only thing he needs is one small taste of her sweet floral blood to confirm what his heart and instincts were telling him.

"Lass, what are ye doing for lunch?" Adrien softly said, keeping his eyes trained onto blue gemstone eyes fluttering innocently with the rosy hue upon her soft ivory skin, he knew she can feel the connection between them grow.

"I-I don't know. I am still new here and I do not know where most places are." Layla shyly stuttered out with her face flushing once again from Sire Montgomery's gaze.

"Hm, then care to join me for lunch? I would love to get to know you." Adrien deeply said with a smirk gracing his face, placing another tender kiss upon her knuckles, waiting for her reply.

"Uh, s-sure, I would love that, sire." Adrien gave her a tender smile, quickly kissing er forehead and taking his leave with Ian silently behind him, taking their seats once again.

"Adrien, what in the hell was that?" Ian hissed out, wondering what in the world was going on in his friends mind.

"Ian, I believe Layla is my heart string, and I need to confirm it before I can make any rash decisions moving forward." Adrien calmly told his friend, keeping his eyes trained on Layla across the room, shyly looking down and doing her class work.

* * * * *

Layla knew the moment Sire Montgomery and Sire Malcom left her side, she would be bombarded and treated like she is below the other girl's in the room when she was hand picked by the dean and vampire lord of all vampire covens around the world to attend his school.

What surprised her the most was how gentle he was being towards with his kind loving affections that she could not believe, he would bestow upon her.

"Layla, if I were you. You should just give up, and leave the lunch date to me, I mean my family has more money and I can give Adrien whatever he needs."

She stared at the girl who tried to bully her before and realized they have no idea how important it is for all kinds of vampires to find their heart strings, there life mates that they have been waiting for all their lives.

"Stacy, is it? Do you what it means for vampires to mate with someone who is not their true heart string? Do you know what happens to them if they do?" Layla softly said, giving Stacy a bored look wondering how dumb she can be.

"What the hell are you even going on about? They are just like us, and they can be with whoever they choose, you are the dumb one who thinks she has a chance with one of the most loyal night guards to ever exist at the academy." Stacy snarky told her, giving her a harsh glare.

"Layla, lass, is there a problem?"

Layla sighed standing up and grabbing her small messenger bag that holds of her things for her classes, taking Sire Montgomery's hand she gentle tugged for him to follow her, even though he was over six feet tall with a large, broad muscular build.

"No, this is not the first time I had a run in with Stacy and her friends." Layla sighed out, wondering when everything will go right for once.

Adrien looked down at the little sprite pulling him by his hand towards the main mess hall for all students to enjoy their meals in peace.

"Here, my dear. Take a seat and I will grab out food." Adrien gently said, kissing the top of hr head watching her face flush rosy, pink once again, amusing him that he affects her the same way her own inner and outer beauty drew him towards her.

Layla sat down, placing her messenger bag by her feet keeping it close to her, knowing how anyone could take her belongings and force her to take actions to get things returned.

Her eyes wondered around the mess hall seeing many high-born pureblood vampires talking amongst themselves and a few humans also enjoying their own meals with there group of friends.

"Here lass." Adrien said, placing down the filled tray of food before her, and taking his seat across from her with his own set of food mixed with his favorite animal blood.

"Thank-you, sire." Layla shyly thanked him with a sweet smile, watching his deep garnet eyes soft with his kind smile in return.

"Layla, what do ye ken, about how vampires find their heart strings?"

Layla briefly looked up stunned for a second on what he was asking her and when her mind clicked, her assumptions and gut feeling were firing once again.

"Well, what I do know is they can not live without there mate and once they scent them and their cold heart beats for that special someone, they will have some inclination and without the taste of the blood of the one they believe is their heart string, they can not go forth until that has occurred." Layla softly explained taking another bite of her food, and sipping her cold drink, keeping her eyes on the man before her with a sly smirk upon his handsome face.

"That is correct, Mo ghràdh (my love)." Adrien chuckled, shaking his head feeling impressed and proud of her for knowing this much about his kind and if his assumptions are correct, in time it will be their kind.

They continued to talk more about themselves over the meal they were sharing when the bell was about to ring for next period and Adrien being raised as gentlemen, helped Layla up from her seat, taking her hand in his walking back together ignoring the others watching them with confused expressions.

Adrien escorted the golden angel beside him back towards there classroom, making sure she was close to him and not allowing anyone to harm her in anyway.

"Layla, I had a wonderful lunch. Why don't we do this daily, and I can even drop you off at the library before I have to check in with my Sire on the days I have to work." Adrien said, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear, and leaving a tender kiss upon her cheek, taking his leave towards his seat next to Ian.

Layla stood there stunned with her cheeks flamed, placing a hand over her heart trying to understand how this kind-hearted vampire sire took her breath away every time he did something heartwarming towards her.

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