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Joseph smelt a wonderful scent that was wafting through the warmth of the house, looking around he was stunned to see how homey the inside was with the warm earth tones and colors giving it a lovely and homey feeling.

Lucien was impressed Layla convinced Adrien to return home and take on his right as the new laird of her ancestral homeland and he will do just fine being in charge of the small restaurant that was actually his father's that was passed down in the line of Montgomery name.

Both men walked into the kitchen, taking their place to watch the young woman who has done nothing and everything to lighten up their lives in more ways than one.

Joseph noticed a young girl was sitting there with her arms crossed glaring at his daughter with such hatred his scoffed hearing her thoughts and shook his head knowing who his daughter is with her soft gentle personality.

Layla turned around when her eyes lit up with happiness when she saw the two men who have shown her what it means to have the right parental figure's love and care ever since she met Joseph a month ago and have known Lucien for years when she was only fourteen humans years old.

"Father Joseph and Sire Lucien, what a surprise you came here instead of us coming back at the academy." Layla happily said grabbing two wine glasses and pouring a new bottle open.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I love what you have done with this place." Joseph chimed in giving his daughter a soft smile and taking his wine glass, sniffing the contents before taking a sip.

Lucien kissed Layla's cheek in thanks taking his own wine glass and taking a sip with loads of flavour bursting against his tongue along with the large amount of warm animal blood he was trying to pinpoint the taste.

"The animal blood in the blood wine is that of a grizzly bear my husband and I hunted a week ago, and he made the blood wine a few days ago." Layla happily chirped out, handing over the finish touches of dinner for her chamber maids to place in the main dinning hall.

"Axel, can you please go tell my husband and his guests dinner is ready and that we have more guests staying with us." Layla softly order their head guard who walked in and bowed to his mistress doing as she asked.

Axel was happy to have such a kind-hearted and loving mistress as Lady Montgomery his Laird's lovely wee wife and once he arrived, he knocked o the door when he heard a deep male voice allowing him entry, he was surprised to see the other sire was out cold laying his head on his Laird's desk.

"Axel what seems to be the problem?" Adrien asked standing up with Jackson carrying the other sire who had gone through a very harsh mental treatment from Adrien.

"My Laird, Lady Montgomery has asked of me to tell ye supper is ready and we have two more guests that arrived a few moments ago." Axel pipped out with his head bowed slightly waiting for his Laird's orders.

"Well, go make sure we have the other guest rooms ready for them, and please tend to the guards and tell them what needs to be done for this evening's watch." Adrien ordered his head guard who nodded and left to do as his Laird had asked of him.

Jackson was impressed his old friend took on the responsibility of being the lord of the manor that was rebuilt for him and his mate from his sire Crowley long ago, for when Adrien decided to return and take over.

When they arrived, they were both surprised to see Lucien and Joseph were here instead of waiting for Adrien and Layla to return back to the academy.

They both took there assigned seats and Jocelyn's eyes widened when she saw her father placed next to her and woke up abruptly with his eyes searching for an escape when he saw who was all there and his cursed when he saw the king and his scholar were now sitting at the other end of the table.

"My King Crowley, what are you doing here?" Sire Knowles nervously asked feeling himself curse on what is about to happen.

Layla watched on amused knowing what had occurred in her husbands office with how he had out the poor men into a truth mental battle to tell him the full truth of why he had showed up with his daughter.

"Hm, oh I see. I remember you coming to me when your daughter was only five years old when you came and asked if there was anyone who would want to marry your daughter." Lucien gently said letting his thick Italian accent leak out to make a point.

"My king, that was so long ago and now I know I made a rather misstep when it comes to your adopted son." Sire Knowles calmly stated not looking his daughter in the eyes knowing what is about to he revealed.

"Hm, yes well as you can see my son has found his wife and mate when they were attending the academy and her adopted father my scholar Sire Joseph Gemstone wanted to come and see how his daughter was fairing after her recent change with her sire and master." Lucien coldly said looking the other sire in the eyes with a look of distrust.

"I understand my king, and I will try to look towards the human families as my daughter is more human than she is vampire."

Jocelyn screeched from her seat staring at her father with wide eyes pushing her chair away from her and slamming her hands down on the table seething pure hatred at the other woman sitting next to the man that was supposed to be hers.

"No, that is not true! I am a vampire just like everyone else in this room!" Jocelyn continued to screech out in her tantrum and before anyone could stop her, she jumped across the table towards Layla who was staring at her with a bored look.

Layla lifted her hand to freeze frame everyone except her husband who stood up, wiping his mouth, and quickly grabbing young Jocelyn by her hair and quickly snapping her neck killing her instantly, leaving her body on the ground near where his wife sits everyday since they officially moved here.

After a few moments everything went back to normal, and Sire Knowles cried out seeing his young daughter laying on the ground with blood coming out her mouth and nose and her neck was twisted in an odd angle with her eyes wide open.

"I had warned ye, Knowles if your daughter ever tried to come after my wee wife, I will kill her." Adrien coldly stated going back to eating the food his wife made ignoring what was going on around them along with his adopted father and Joseph who shrugged and went back to eating.

Jackson kept quiet eating his food and watching the scene play out amused being able to watch a true drama unfold before him knowing this was better then any television show he ever watched.

Layla sat back down and finished her meal and taking a sip of the pure grizzly blood that has been chilled in the freezer in the cellar for times likes this.

The rest watched theinnocent young woman sip her wine glass and pulled out a book to red while theywere all finishing their supper and most of them were amused at her actionswondering how this all came to be.

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