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"All you need to know little miss ugly, is to stay away from the night guards. No one would want to be near you, not even when you are not even a true woman." The same girl giggled out, laughing along with her friends and Layla shook her head not amused in the least when these girl's seemed to be around the same age as herself.

"How long have you guys been in the academy?" Layla calmly asked, now remembering these girl's are new like herself. "If I remember correctly, you were also at the placement exams this morning and you have yet to be placed like myself." Layla rhetorically stated, turning away from the three girl's who were now seething in anger.

The one girl who tried to start bullying her, was not expecting to see a night guard stand between her and the young girl that kindly told her off without any emotion in her voice.

"Layla, is there a problem here?" Edwards calmly asked, narrowing his ruby red eyes at the group of girl's who was also new students.

"Sire Holms, I was only stating a fact to these girl's about how we are the same age, and they are new like myself waiting for our results to find out our class placements." Layla softly explained, giving the night guard a soft smile and Edward returned one towards Layla.

"Well, then. If I or another night guard sees any kind of bullying or harm done to anyone human or vampire, will be dealt with deep consequences of there actions with Lord Crowley. Do I make my self clear lady's?" Edward harshly bit out towards the spoil young girl's who only care for themselves.

"What? Oh, come on. She is the one in the wrong, not us!" The leader of the group of girl's whined out, not expecting for Sire Holms to growl and show his fangs in warning towards them all.

"I will not allow an innocent young woman be bullied for no reason, and I will not stand for disobedience." Edward hissed out in anger, quickly grabbing the young girl who dared deify his orders and whine about what needs to be followed.

Layla watched how Sire Holms put the girl in her place, amused all the same seeing this happen when in fact in the past, she would always get in trouble for trying to stand up for herself against the those who were of high status and now with this academy that is not the case at all.

She giggled and waved bye-bye to the group of girl's who were being dragged behind Sire Holms towards the headmaster's office to have their punishment be dealt with according to what Sire Holms explains to Sire Crowley.

A few hours later Layla was finished with her work for the day, knowing tomorrow she will be attending her classroom with whoever will be her professor to help her achieve her true potential while attending the academy.

She careful grabbed the cloak wrapping it around her shoulders, clipping it in place over her right shoulder, pulling the hood over her head, leaving the library to head back towards her quarters she shares with Sire Gemstone who has been nothing but kind to her since she arrived little over twenty-four hours ago.

"Sire Joseph? I am back!" Layla softly called out, entering the private quarters placing her cloak up on the coat rack nearby the door, making her way towards Sire Joseph's small office where she watched from the door frame seeing him looking over some letter of sorts. "Sire Joseph?" Layla knocked on the open door, watching him briefly look up with what he was reading giving her a soft smile, motioning for her to enter.

Layla walked in and took her seat next to Sire Joseph waiting for him to explain to her what was going on and what he was reading before she showed up.

"Well, my sweet dear Layla. Lord Crowley and the other professors all believe it would be best for you to attend all of the high-born humans and vampires, until the day arrives for you to be turned and reach your true potential." Joseph happily told his adopted daughter he deems worthy enough to take under his wing.

"What do you mean until I turn?" Layla asked feeling slightly confused and not sure what he was speaking about.

"My dear, Lord Crowley strongly believes you are destined to be with a very high noble vampire, and he has no idea who it could be, until then all of the professors who teach every high-born human and vampires are all in one classroom agreed to keep you safe until he arrives or is already here and just waiting to find you."

Layla tilted her head in thought, letting her hair fall loose from the messy bun she had placed upon her head, along with her uniform she has been wearing since this early morning.

"What you are telling me is, I am destined to be a vampire and mated to a high noble one at most?"

"That is correct my child." Joseph happily said, kissing her forehead and telling her to get ready for bed as she needs to be up early for attending her first day of classes.

"Good night, my child."

"Good night, Sire Joseph." Layla sleepily called out, pulling her blanket up under her chin, letting sleep take over.

Joseph gently smiled, kissing the top of her head goodnight before leaving to attend to his library at night, knowing about what happened earlier between a few young girl's who thought it was good idea to try and bully his sweet little girl, he has decided to adopt after her parent's neglecting natures.

"Sire Gemstone, do you think you can help me find something for my friend over here?" A tenor British male voice joked out, leaning against the library front desk with a grin on his pale face.

"Young sire Malcom, what is it that you need from me this fine evening?" Joseph humbly said, keeping his eyes upon his computer screen, finishing what Layla started early in the day.

"Well, Adrien and I need our textbooks for class tomorrow with our professors, as we are now off duty and need to attend our classes and are only ordered to take shifts if need be." Sire Malcom happily said, chuckling as he did so.

Adrien on the other hand sighed, feeling annoyed and agitated feeling something was going to happen and yet he could not pinpoint what it could be. He has yet to get any kind of rest, since last night when he saw that little beauty with Sire Gemstone.

"Sire Gemstone, may I ask who was the young woman that was with you last evening?" Adrien kindly asked, needing to know who she was and why his dead cold heart began to beat for one young human girl he has yet to meet.

Joseph eyed the young sire of the Montgomery Coven knowing his back story and how he moved to join the royal guards and work under Lord Crowley who took him in after the slaughter of his whole coven eons ago.

"That young woman is staying with me, and she will be attending the same classes as you both starting tomorrow. Her name is Layla Monroe, she is eighteen human years old and unfortunately her twin older brother's are here as well and that is why she is staying with me instead of being in the human accommodations." Joseph explained watching the young sire look upwards leaning against the far wall in thought.

"Well, is she hot?" Sire Malcom grinned out, taking the two piles of textbooks, laughing from his own joke with Sire Montgomery following behind him in haste.

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