Mlm: Welcome to the Hoyoverse.

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If I could explain how I got lost, would you guys believe me?

Please say no. I would really like it if you said no.


So upon entering the Hoyoverse's Teyvat, I can tell you I was very fortunate to get a guide. Amber might not be the best person from Genshin Impact's Meta, but she is sure as hell powerful in Dividing Dimensions. Pairing her Baron Bunny and Sapphire's Combos was dangerous. I actually grabbed Noelle because of her amazing skills (God, the switches threw me off-)

Liyue- Holy shit. The story was so deep here that I forgot how much I put in here. I literally got struck down so hard that I rage quitted. I ended up rejoining (I have to finish this book somehow) and figured out that I needed to run Noelle with double Geo. So I was able to imbue Mlm with Geo with the Statue before charging in. The battles got easier and I was able to secure Xiao.

When doing Inazuma, I scored big with Cedar. Despite it being the home of the Electro Archon, they don't do well when Lightning Bolts are coming down directly at them. Going inside doesn't help you either. I actually grabbed Heizou this time because of his out of combat assistance.

After stopping by the statue and snagging the Dendro Element for Blossom, Sumeru was fairly easy. It was Alhaitham that was the fun part, getting to interact with his altered form as the Dendro Archon. I knew I had to snag him as my Sumeru person.

Fontaine was exciting. Furina was the best part of the whole thing, both in and out of combat. I grabbed her while I was there. Also, if you were wondering about what happened in the battles-

I got hammered.

Alhaitham was the only thing saving me. Mlm and Sapphire did great, but he as the Dendro Archon was what saved me.


Lastly there was the final battle. Now before I go into the details, yes. I know Natlan and Snezhnaya are also out there. But until they are released, no one and nothing is coming out of there.

Now then, onto the final battle. Getting to try out Lumine, Aether, Dainsleif, Minsleif, Aloy and Signora before the choice came out was exciting. And good morning Kugo. He was striking harder than I could charge, which was incredible for my Energy Charge. Sapphire was throwing Combos left and right. And Mlm was not disappointing.

I grabbed Lumine to be my first Light User outside of whoever I chose in the Pokeverse. Then I grabbed Kugo and we were out.

I almost forgot to mention that Blossom is a Bow user while Mlm is a Catalyst.

That's all for now. I shall see you guys in the Warriorverse.

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