Purple: Tired Problems.

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I was passed out for most of this.

I'm serious. Pink carried me and the kids to the next gym, so I was unaware of anything that happened. I woke up to Pink lulling Vi to sleep. Everything hurt as I started curling up into a ball. Pink noticed and spoke, grabbing my attention.

"Don't you fall asleep yet. You need food."

I went to argue when my stomach let out a trembling growl, which shook me all the way to my core. Vi was placed with her sister before my own sister brought a bowl over. I couldn't turn the food away since I was trapped in a trance, which practically forced me to take it. After the void in my stomach was filled, she sat down next to me.

"Better?" I nodded before looking around, realizing we had moved. "You slept through two town changes. You were out for at least 24 hours."

"What-" I couldn't even get upset that no one had woken me up. How'd I sleep for that long? The pain then returned, causing my hands to shake before Pink took the bowl.

"Lay back down. You don't look well." I actually considered it. But I had just slept for a day. I needed to move. However, it was one voice against many as I laid down, drifting off instantly.


Again, I slept for a long time, this time I was out for longer. Didn't realize until Pink woke me up. Magearna was with her, concerned as Pink helped me with food.

"Don't move too much." I purred as she took her time, providing spoonful after spoonful, waiting patiently as I slowly ate up. Everything was blurry as Magearna said something to Pink, who hummed. As I finished, darkness clouded my vision before Pink gave me a glass of water. I took my time before Magearna vanished. As she took it after I finished, I spoke.

"Pink?" It sounded like a croak, but I was heard. "What's happening?"

"Your consciousness is overwhelming you. You're worrying too much." I paused as she placed a washcloth on my head. "Magearna reckons this illness is your focus being too deep." I blinked as she smiled. "I'm talking about Forest. You're overworried and it's affecting you." Hearing the name made everything heavy. My eyes must've betrayed me as she continued. "Purple, don't worry about him. I'll focus on him while you focus on the kids. Ok?" I was quiet, too deep in thought, but I did hear her. I was pulled into a hug as tiredness clouded my mind.


I slept through a whole set of fights before Vi woke me up. Jaern had found us and looked antsy. Granted, I had no clue what was happening. So I finished waking up to talk to him and he caught me up to speed after I fell asleep the first time, which was right after the events of the Abyssal Cult. Pink must've decided I was too unwell to catch me up because wow did I miss a lot.

After I had fallen asleep, Pink challenged the gym and discovered Taen's plan of bringing back the "Original Dragon". I knew he had Kyurem, which was one of 3 dragons he needed. Well, she learned that he had Zekrom and stole Reshiram in front of her. Classy. She then moved our group to the next town, where she and Lime clashed with the Infernal Cult, who I hated just as much as Taen. They retrieved Groudon while their Leader (The guy at the Library that I wasn't there to meet. I've missed meeting him twice so far) got exposed. At Selene, Pink clashed with Persephone, who was pissed. Pink also dealt with Taen's Dragon problem before moving the group. Again, I missed the Infernal Cult Leader (Third time. He's really avoiding me now.) and a fight with an old lady (Jaern does not know who won the battle. He just knows that it happened). In Amphitrite, I not only missed Pink finally catching Mew, but a lot of Legendary Drama happened.

What else did I miss? That fucking half alien that took Forest! Vi, Pink and Lime saw it, but not the one that wants to send it to hell! Thanks a lot guys!

Jaern doesn't know what happened between Amphitrite and the town we were currently in, but he was able to say that Pink had already collapsed the Infernal Cult (I still haven't met the damn boss.)

He then told me that she had gone after the Cult of Darkrai. That was her next target. Great. I was quiet before Jaern gulped.

"Heard you weren't feeling well."

"I'm... alright..." I gulped dryly. "I've been in a blur for most of it. But..." Jaern nodded.

"Then take care of yourself. I'll see you later."


I still haven't met the Infernal Cult Leader. Or the Cult of Darkrai Leader. Wait a minute-

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