Agent 002... With One Direction [NEW VERSION]

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Hello there, and welcome once again!

I'm Bianca, for those of you who don't know me. If that's the case, it also means that you haven't read the first book of this sequel.

Yes, my friend. This is a sequel. If you start here, you won't have a clue of what is happening so I prefer for you to go back to Agent 001... Direction and read it through so you catch up. I even edited it, ayeee :D

Don't worry, I'll wait here for you...









Honestly, if you read the first book and the older version of the sequel, and on top of that you're still here, then you are all true MVPs. Hands down.

Yes, my petite croissants. This is the new version of Agent 002. There's even a new cover :o

All I want to say is thank you so much for being so supportive and patient with these changes. The wait is finally over and I will be updating continuously now that I don't have to deal with high school. Remember that I do have a life, so I won't be updating every day, but maybe once every two days and so. [PSYCHE~ LIFE IS HITTING ME LIFE THE BIGGEST MOTHERFUCKER FORGIVE ME (T^T)]

All with love of course ( ^3^)...

And now of course, for the terms and conditions!

(That most of you might not follow, but I don't care as long as you follow the copyrights though, I will hunt you forever if I find you copyrighting my ideas.)

THIS IS PG-13. Meaning there would be foul language like: cursing, banter, and blah blah. So please, if you can't take it, I suggest you to not read it. There might be some sexual references, so read by your own discretion.

DON'T YOU DARE COPYRIGHT. I would really hunt you... Just kidding, I won't, but seriously it's not nice to copyright. I used my imagination, so trust me. If I can, you can definitely create your own little world as well. :)


Happy reading.

~Bianca xx



Well people, I'm back.

And this time, finally on the mission I have been wanting to go for the past four years...

To find my family.

A lot went on last year. I ended up babysitting a boyband, guarding them from crazed-up fans, getting mobbed by those crazed-up fans, lived with the boyband, going all ninja on some weird guys with identical suits, rescued a girl who became my best friend, getting almost killed in the process, getting mobbed by more crazed-up fans...

How am I still breathing? I'm still not sure.

A year has passed since, and now I finally get assigned for the next important mission. There will be lots of travelling in different areas of the planet. I admit, just the thought of having jetlag is already giving me migraines, but I must do what I am assigned to, so I am ready.

The only thing I am not expecting are the same five idiots tagging along the way...

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Agent 002... With One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now