Chapter 10: Have You Heard?

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I'm surprised I got a bunch of reads even after such hiatus.

I'm sorry I'm taking long to update, college has been giving me the most extreme of hard times. Please understand that this hiatus has affected me greatly and I am reconstructing this story back from its ashes lol

Ok let's see how I continue this, please bear with me.

And have the loveliest holidays 💕


Catrina's POV

"That Americano was amazing though. Starbucks never leaves me stranded." Cassie mentions as we enter the lobby of the hotel.

"I'm more of the frappe, Americano is too simple for me." I mention, taking a sip of what's left on my cup.

"Ooh frappes are really good as well, but since here we have winter, Americanos help out very well." She giggles, exiting out the elevator as we finally reach the floor where my suite is located.

She continues to speak about the drinks here in London while I open the door. She comes in after me so she closes it afterwards.

That's when I grab her by the collar of her jacket and push her against the wall. She is completely bamboozled, her eyes wide.

"How do you know about me." I firmly ask her.

"Ouch, huh?" I can feel a sense of falseness in that line.

"Don't act like you don't know anything, who are you?" I clutch more onto her collar.

"Do I look like your enemy?" she asks.

"Are you?"

"You tell me--" I press her against the wall harder as she manages to irk me.

"I'm seriously not up for games anymore." I glench my teeth.

"I'm messing with you, Martinez. I am from the MI6." She tries to hold her laugh.

"Huh?" Now is my turn to say that.

"I am MI6 agent Cassie Ellison, I was sent to welcome you to our country and guide you through for your stay in the next few days." She finally explains everything as she shows her identification.

"Are you serious?" I fall in disbelief.

"Yup, um, can you let go please?" she points at my hand holding her.

"Oh, sorry." I let go. "Why couldn't you tell me that earlier?!"

"I love the tension." She wiggles her eyebrows amused as she fixes her shirt. "We can't live up to our careers the whole time."

I sigh. "I'm exhausted already." I go over to my room to check on my forgotten phone, hoping that I would get some call from from my mentor...

But nada.

"What the hell." I mumble to myself.

"Everything alright?" Cassie asks from behind.

"Ah, I guess. I was waiting for my boss' call since this trip happened so suddenly." I shrug.

"We all go through this. Everything comes into sense eventually, you just need to be patient." She pats my shoulder. "It's getting late and you must be tired from the flight so I'll let you rest. I will contact you tomorrow." She begins walking towards the door.

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