Prelogue: Partners-In-Crime

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"It's not easy using a fire weapon when you're under pressure, but you need to be decisive and not have second thoughts. Always remember that it is either that person's life, or yours." The Second Chief-in-Command Agent Ryan Cooper explains to the whole class. I stay still, pointing my revolver at the body-shaped tablet.

"It sounds cruel, but as a Central Intelligence Agent, you must suppress your feelings at all cost, especially on these kinds of situations."

I take deep breaths as I listen carefully to what he says. I never used a fire weapon before. Aside from the fact that they are dangerous, I am not very fond of using them. I already hate the fact of hurting someone, let alone fatally. That would be something I will not tolerate.

"Martinez." I freeze at the call of my name.

I don't dare to look at him. "Yes, sir?"

"Have you've been listening to what I have said?"

"Yes, sir. Every single word." I try not to stutter.

"Well, since you've heard every word of it. Let's test you out." He says. I avert my eyes around and notice the other agents-in-training staring at me.

I grab my gun firmly and take off the safe. I inhale slowly, analyzing the target. I don't know what is happening to me, but I can't pull the trigger. I feel like my hands have paralyzed. What if this were a real person? I can't shoot recklessly.

"Martinez, we're waiting for you." Agent Cooper repeats himself.

I squint, putting the thought aside and making sure the shot is precise. I can do this. It's a piece of wood.

I wince as soon as three shots are fired out of the blue. I look ahead at the wood, and see three holes inside the target. Then I turn my head to Agent Cooper, who right away I recognize he was the one who fired, when I see the revolver in his hand. "If you take this long to shoot the enemy, you'd be dead in an instant." He doesn't even look at me in the eye.

You dickhead, I think for myself.

"That could lead to a fatal mistake, so make sure to be ahead of the game." He tells the whole group. "Now, class dismissed."

I take out the ammo and drop it on the box of ammunitions. Then I throw the gun on the other box before exiting the room.

As I walk through the hallway back to my room, I find Agent Max Crawley reading some paperwork. He notices my presence and waves right away. "How was it?"

"I hated it." I bluntly say. "He embarrassed me in front of everyone. A full-pledged agent getting fooled in front of trainees."

"Ryan is like that. Besides, you need the practice. You never know when you would get into a shooting duel with someone, especially since you're starting your real mission soon."

"Taking care of those dimwits was a real mission as well." I sigh. I'm not kidding, though. I had to keep them from getting killed and on top of that I got my best friend kidnapped and I got stabbed along the process. Maybe that's why McAdams is making me take these courses now.

"You know, I really want to meet these guys. Have you talked to any of them lately during the past months?" He asks me as I look for my room's key.

"To a couple of them, yeah." I mumble. The last time I saw them personally was when they performed at Madison Square Garden, since they gave me tickets for it before I left back to the agency. It's been ten months ever since that cold December night. I've been going from Florida to District of Columbia back and forth, while they've been busy touring around the world.

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