Chapter 13: Unrecognizable

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A week has passed since the meeting. We took all week preparing for our upcoming mission, thanks to the help of Cassie and Kyla, who made sure we had everything we might need. 

Finally, it was the night of the gala.

"Darling, can you pass me my shoes please?"

"Where are they at, Honey bun?"

"In the closet next to the entrance, I believe."

There is a pause before he speaks again. "I can't find them."

I sigh and exit the bathroom. I notice him fixing his hair in front of the full-length mirror. I walk over near the closet and find the red pumps right away. "Dude, did you even look for them at all?" I show the pair to him.

"I am having a crisis at the moment with my hair." He is right though, he's been in front of that mirror for the past 20 minutes while I was doing my makeup.

"Ugh, I'm filing a divorce as soon as possible." I finish securing the ankle stripe. 

"Let me know where to sign--" He stops mid-sentence when he lays eyes on me. He stares at my red dress from head to toe, I haven't seen him blink once.

"Does it look bad?" I walk close to him to fix his hair once and for all.

"Wow." Max says stunned with his eyebrows raised. "What is a divorce."

"Not sure if I should take that as a compliment."

"You should, you look unrecognizably hot." He grins.

I can't help but flick his forehead right after finishing fixing his hair. "Shut up."

"You sure you don't want to consider renewing vows?"

"Next time is a punch."

"I will shut up now." He secures his automatic gun and places it in the holster inside his tuxedo. "Do you have the ring, though?"

"Yes sir." I show it to him. He grabs my hand and removes it from my finger. "What are you doing?"

"It's supposed to be on the left hand."

"Ah, yeah. I'm so used to putting rings on my right hand that I completely forgot that small detail." I watch him as he delicately places the ring on my other ring finger. "Also, can you help me put on this necklace?"

He grabs it while I hold up my elaborated curls. "This is cute, who gave you this?"

"I got it a year ago..." I murmur, remembering that last day with the boys and the crew after so much we have spent together.

"Let me guess, Harry gave it to you?" I hear him say.

"Yeah... How did you know?"

"Well, I've never seen you wear a necklace before. Not until that day we've seen each other in the plane back to D.C. I also remember you were complaining on how he gave the same necklace to this other singer he was dating--"

"Take it off." I forgot about that damn detail.

"Catrina, last time I remember you guys were not together, so I don't know why you are reacting in such manner..." He then gasps. "Unless you actually like--"

"I don't." I turn and glare. "He would have to be the last person on the planet for me to ever like him."

"Right, you're just caught up with the fact he hasn't contact you in a while." He smirks.

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