Chapter 14: I Bet Shakespeare Didn't Think of This

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"Were you able to eavesdrop?" Max asks, waking me up from the trance.

"I'm doing that..." I murmur, hearing yet another beep on my phone as the conversation keeps recording.

Man (3): Ha fatto parlare di qualcosa d'altro, per quanto riguarda un episodio accaduto alcuni anni fa, signore.

"Accaduto alcuni anni fa..."<Occurred a few years ago...> I read over what they just said.

Man (2): Alcuni anni fa? Qual' incidente?

Man (3): Non sono a conoscenza di esso, ma credo che abbia detto qualcosa su una crociera nei Caraibi--

Man (2): Apetta un minuto. C'è qualcuno alla porta?

"Fuck." I say to myself right before I hear the door opening. Suddenly, I feel the cable getting pulled from my phone. I hold my phone tightly and prepare to fleet. The man comes in sight, and before he can look inside the fireplace, I kick him in the face.

His head hits the wall and he groans, touching his face in agony. I take the opportunity to run. Less than a minute passes when I check behind me and see three men chasing after me, shouting some random shit in Italian. I ignore them, grabbing whatever I find on the way and throwing it on the floor to create an obstacle for them.

"M-Max." I say through the BT as I keep running.

"Got you. Use those laughing gas crystal balls Cassie gave you earlier. That would keep them away and give you a chance to escape."

"The floor is carpet, they won't crack easily..."

"Hit them against the wall." I am loving the fact that he sounds so calm while I'm getting chased by the Italian mafia.

I stop my tracks to grab those crystal balls, and wait a few seconds for them to catch up to me. They are about 7 meters away when I smash the balls against both walls so they break, quickly releasing the gas. The three men halt when they reach the gas and start coughing. 

I dash off to the hallway where Max is supposed to be at. I reach two doors that one corresponds to room 36 while the other one is room 37. Awesome, one step closer. 

Now the big problem I have right now is that I completely forgot which room he was in, and I would ask him but I hear the men nearing. 

I randomly get inside one of the rooms, swiftly locking the door behind me. "Crawley?" I speak up to see if he is here. 

Unfortunately, there is nothing but an empty room, and I have screwed up yet once again.

"You got into the wrong room, didn't you." I hear him through the BT.

"For fuck's sake." I grit my teeth.

"Go to the balcony, they're trying to get inside the room I'm in at the moment, lock the window when you're outside." He instructs. 

There are already bangs heard against the door, and I try to take deep breaths so the anxiety doesn't get a hold of my soul. Once I'm out to the balcony, I find Crawley against the wall slightly leaning to look through the glass of the room he's at. 

"Max!" I almost whisper and he abruptly turns around. 

"Okay, jump over." He extends his arms.

"I'm wearing a dress, are you crazy?!" I exclaim.

"What else do you want to do?!" Ah, there is the exasperation. 

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Here, grab my heels." I throw them to him and prop myself outside of the railing.

"Eccola!" <There she is!

"Fuck, they saw me." I look back inside as they are getting closer.

"Just jump!" 

"Even if I'm able to, they will catch us both eventually!" I look back to them, and this time they point a gun at my head.

"They're armed." I try not to look at Max so they don't notice he's there and manage to get him.

"What?" He asks baffled. I only have one thing left to do if I want to come out of this somewhat alive.

If I don't do this now, I'm dead meat for sure.

I glance one last time to Max before taking a deep breath and make a drastic 180° turn to check what is there approximately 400 feet below us. He knows exactly what I'm doing, and he doesn't think twice before looking down.

At the same time, I spot someone sitting on the edge of a small fountain, really close to where I might land if I jump. He wears a blue mask so I can't see well who he is, but his frame and - especially - the hair look awfully familiar.

Wait, could it be--

Crawley gets ahead of me and shouts at him from where he is at. "Harry!!"

He finally looks up in complete confusion at first until his expression changes as his eyes lock with mine. Strange to say that when we're both wearing masks. 

I give one last look at the men, and with one hand, I wave and mouth. "Arrivederci." <Goodbye.> And I finally let go of the railing.

I bet this didn't come across Shakespeare's mind.



I want to apologize for keeping you waiting, I had something that has come up and kept me away from uploading the rest of the updates. 

I hope you are liking it so far! Thank you so much for waiting for me and I am terribly sorry for keeping you all waiting. It has been a tough few months. 

See you next chapter!

~Bia x

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