Chapter 11: Cordially Invited

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"Here, drink some tea." Max hands me a cup of recently-made lemon tea he found in the kitchen counter. I grab a hold of the cup and slowly sip from it, feeling that bitter-to-nothing taste.

"You forgot to sweeten this." I frown instinctively.

"Forgive my mistake, Sweet Tooth of the Central Intelligence." And he is somewhat right. I used to get in trouble during my training days for barging into the kitchen and grabbing the desserts from the cooling systems. Did I get discovered? Of course, I did. I had to endure 18 hours of warm-up punishment for it, but I have learned from my mistakes.

"Though I have matured, one cannot simplify not adding sugar to tea." I walk to the counter and grab the sugar pot and a spoon.

"Alright, I'm sorry." He rolls his eyes and goes back to being quiet, sitting on the bed. I want to think that the reason why he is being such way is because he is thinking of a plan. However, his expression gives the desperation of not knowing what to do exactly, and that's what is driving me almost insane.

"Say something." I finally speak up.

"What do you want me to say?"

"You know what I want you to say." I cross my arms stubbornly.

Max takes a deep breath and pulls his dark hair back before looking at me serious with those blue eyes of his. "There's not much I can tell you. I received an e-mail from her a couple of days ago along with a plane ticket and London as its destination. She didn't leave any other instruction other than the address of this hotel."

"Did she tell you I was here?"

"I figured it out after getting of the plane and seeing the news at the airport. Security was a little heavy over there." He says, laying his back on the mattress.

"This means she knew about the bombings before anyone else did." I sit on the same bed next to him, sipping from my tea.

"Definitely, but the question is how and from who did she receive such information."

We stayed quiet for a few seconds, just thinking of anything that we could count as a clue. Then, it sparked. "Wait, that's it."

"What?" Max asks, averting his eyes to me.

"If she sent us here, that means that she might have sent what we need to the MI6."

Just as I mention that, one of our phones ring. I grab a hold of it and check the screen. "Restricted."

"Give it to me." Crawley demands, and quickly answers it carefully. "Hello?" He glances at me and immediately puts it in speaker mode.

"Good evening Maximilian Crawley and Catrina Martinez. I am cordially inviting you to the MI6 Secret Service's headquarters at 11:00 hours to-morrow. I apologize for the urgency but I believe you already are aware of the situation back in the States."

"We have just received the news." Max mentions.

"Well, it is not preferable to speak this on the phone, so we will have two of our officers dropping by your suite at 9:30."

I roll my eyes, just the fact that I already need to wake up early makes me cranky. Max looks at me when the lady says that, but still replies. "We will be ready by then."

"Can we get at least half hour more to slee--" I get interrupted by a pillow Max throws at my face to shut me up.

"We will be set by 9:30."


It is 9:27 and my head is leaning against the wall as I am trying to get some energy to wash my teeth. I have to eventually end my brushing as Crawley bangs on the door to rush me. "They'll be here in three."

"NGUGH." I whine before spitting the foam in my mouth. I get out and glare at him half asleep. He is looking so laid-back with his uniform while I didn't even bother to fix my hair, let alone fix my crooked tie which Max notices.

"Catrina, please." He fixes my tie. I rub my eyes and squint at him because the brightness in the room is already bothering me too much. "I'm so tired..."

"I know, it's the jet-lag and the stress." He grabs his sunglasses from the little desk and puts them on me. "Better?"

"Thanks, mom." I joke, and just like that there's a knock on the door. "Damn it, thy are too punctual."

"Did you just called me mom?" He tried to sound offended as we walk towards the door.

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