Chapter 1: The Vegemite Debate

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"We have now landed to Kingsford Smith Sydney Airport. Please do not forget any of your belongings. For any questions regarding flight changes, schedules, complains about your flight, or any other questions..." The flight attendant says over the speaker. I start walking out once she is finished talking, Max following behind. As we go through the hallway, I look out the windows and notice how beautiful the day is, even though this jetlag is hitting me nastily.

It doesn't take us long to pass through immigration as we show them our documents and badges. This is the first time I've gone abroad for a mission, I'm actually excited for this.

"McAdams said that they should be waiting for us around here." Max looks around the waiting area. I sigh and sit down on one of the chairs.

I would say that everything happened so sudden. Roseline called us down a few days ago claiming that Max and I were going to be partners for this next mission, which needed to be started as soon as possible. Next thing we know she gave us tickets to Australia. You heard me right, Australia, where the Kangaroos and Koalas originally reside.

Apparently the Australian Secret Intelligence Service has some clues on some kidnapping cases that have been occurring in the last ten years, and that might help us to get a little closer to finding my family.

As we are both exploring the terminal, a tall girl with curly black hair wearing a flannel shirt with lime green leggings and black combat boots catches my attention. Aside from the fact that I am loving her clothing choices, the sign she's holding is what's eye-catching.

I go over to her unhurriedly. She turns around at one point and notices me walking towards her, piercing her cloudy grey eyes at me.

"Hello." I greet her.

"G'morning. May I help you?" She says in this nice Australian accent. I never heard one before in my life so I got to say that it's really nice.

"Well depends. Maybe I can help you, since you have my name in that sign you're holding at this moment." I give her a small smile. Her eyes widen as she realizes who I am.

"Agent Martinez?" She asks astonished.

"In the flesh."

She shakes my hand excitedly. "Nice to finally meet you! My name is Courtney Woods. I work for the city's ASIS division. Welcome to Sydney!"

"Nice to meet you too..." I feel someone tapping my shoulder. Quickly glancing back, I notice Max a little out of breath.

"Yeah, thanks for leaving your luggage." He says sarcastically.

"Sorry..." I say, feeling guilty. "Max, this is Agent Courtney Woods from the Australian Secret Service."

They both exchange greetings quickly, and immediately we're out of the airport. On our way to the hotel, Agent Woods give us a small tour on the city. She hasn't given us any details on the operation, which I guess it means that either she's not involved in it, or is just off duty according to the way she's dressed.

She drops us off at the hotel and tells us she'll call tomorrow. As soon as she leaves and we finally get to our room, I drop dead on the bed. I didn't even start arguing with Max on who gets which bed, I hopped on whichever was the closest to me and drifted myself off to sleep in a matter of seconds. I'm telling you, jetlag is horrible.

The next day I woke up and it was already one in the afternoon. Max let me sleep through last night's dinner and breakfast. I almost bit his head off when I found him eating a croissant on his bed as he watched TV, until he passed me one with ham and mozzarella that he got me while I was knocked out.

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