Chapter 8: Don't Make Me Puke

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When I told Styles that my return to the States was going to be soon, I didn't know it was going to be as soon as the next damn day.

Sometimes I wonder what the hell is wrong with McAdams when she does this sudden change of plans. I understand we are CIA agents, but can she let us breathe for once?

It took us three days to talk to Roseline personally. The flight took eighteen long hours, and when we got back to the agency both Max and I dropped dead in our dorm rooms, which took another twenty hours of sleep. We were nastily jet lagged.

"This is a secret criminal organization called Canberria. Their main headquarters are located in Calabria, south of Italy. They are one of the oldest, most powerful and dangerous mafia groups in the world, and even have their divisions in the United States." McAdams shows us this group's profile on the only big screen in the room. "After investigating the tapes we were able to obtain from the local stores, and small yet significant clues, we managed to find who might likely be the ones that are involved in the kidnappings."

I stare on the screen, reading this group information. The Canberria seem to have a long history of crimes and corruption, which is no surprise since they are criminals who seem to enjoy making innocent lives a pure misery.

"What are the chances that they are still alive?" I suddenly ask her, surprisingly calm.

She glances back up at me, taken a little aback. She knows who I speak about. "There are... Chances. We get informs from the Interpol regarding kidnapped individuals that have been found. It's just a matter of patience in order to get everything right."

Matter of patience? I've been waiting for five damn years.

"The MI6 decided to give whatever information they are able to find in other to progress from this case, specially after you worked hard protecting the boys of One Direction."

I forgot to text... Damn. It. I mentally facepalm myself.

"Your next stop will be London, where it seems - if our calculations are on the right track - that members of this group are going to meet up at an specific spot in four days time--"

"I have a problem." Max interrupts her instructions, which is something unusual when it comes from him.

"What is it, Crawley?"

"Regarding that trip, I won't be able to go along with it. I have made plans to return to California for thanksgiving weekend." He recalls.

It's thanksgiving already?

"I completely forgot about it." Roseline rubs her forehead repeatedly a couple of times.

"We're jet-lagged enough to even remember these things." I yawn, feeling a wave of exhaustion going through my body.

"Then the game plan takes a slight unexpected turn." She sighs in distress, leaning back on her chair.

"Why that?" I ask.

"It means that you'll probably have to travel to the United Kingdom by yourself. I promised this break to Maximilian a little over a year ago, and if we want to get a step closer to our goal, we must advance as soon as possible." She explains as she rubs her forehead.

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