Chapter 7: Late Night Meets

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After our little breakfast date with the boys, we went back to our room to dress up for the meeting we are having at the Naicho headquarters. Agent Parks sent Max a message earlier telling us where to meet up and such.

"Wear the uniform."

"Aw, come on." Him and I tell Roseline in-sync through the video call. We decided to tell her before parting over there, although it seems like she already knew as per usual.

"You are going to a meeting hosted in an agency you are not part of. You shall display the neat image of the CIA."

"But those uniforms are really uncomfortable..." I whine, I just know I'm not getting out of this one.

"Beauty is pain." She says.

I roll my eyes and walk away towards the bathroom, getting my tailored uniform in the way. To be honest, the uniform is really nice, a classy navy blue blazer, a white long sleeve bottom-up shirt, and in my case, a navy blue flared skirt. What I dislike from this attire is that the sleeves and the tie are not that tolerable for wearing.

Once I'm done, I put on my short black boots to make the look more 'serious'. I usually put on my converse, but I am growing up now, if you know what I mean.

Fixing my hair into a high ponytail, and applying very light make up, I do the finishing touches before going back to the room.

"Look at you, all spiffed up." Crawley glimpses at me through the reflection of the long mirror while he fixes his tie.

"Not too bad yourself." I wink at him. Just as I say that, I receive a text message on my phone.

From: Nialler x

Your suite numbr is 1204 right ?


To: Nialler x

Yeah, why whats up?


From: Nialler x

Do u mind meeting up?


I squint at the text, unsure if it's a trick question or not. Why would he want to meet up?

"I'll be back." I tell Max, quickly pointing at the door so he knows where I will be.

I step out to the hallway and immediately intercept Niall and Harry who were coming towards my room. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Whoa, you look posh." The blonde examines from head-to-toe. "New trend?"

"I had it for a while." I shrug. "Anyway, why do you wanted to meet up?" I glance at Styles who is awfully quiet, and once he notices that I turned to him, he looks away. What is going on with him lately?

"We were wondering if we could hang out since we aren't doing much this afternoon, to catch up and all..." Niall says.

"Oh I'll love to, but in a little bit I'm heading to an important assembly so..." I trail off, unsure of how to reject their invite.

Niall nods. "We understand, the meeting is important at the moment. We could hang out another time, keep in touch, okay?" He embraces me in a hug before walking away with Harry, who gives me a small awkward wave. I sigh deeply, bummed with what I have done, and open the door to go inside.

All of the sudden, there's a hand touching my shoulder as if to stop me from entering the room. I turn my head and see the tall curly-haired British looking down at me with his pretty green eyes that lately, now that I see them more often, they never fail to make my stomach flutter.

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