Chapter 6: Who Peed On Your Cheerios?

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Nowadays, we live in times where people think many encounters seem to happen by coincidence. Others are thought to occur by fate.

Personally, I think this was on purpose.

Maybe I'm overreacting a little bit too much. I apologize for being an agent of the Central Intelligence and for having an intense spy intuition developed in the past couple of years, but can you blame me?

So there might be a tiny possibility that our meeting at the airport was a work of destiny. There might be a small chance that the fact that we're in the same hotel is pure coincidence. However, I still feel like there's some plan they are doing, involving me, and I'm not aware of. At first I didn't have any suspicion, until someone knocked on the door of our suite.

As I opened the door, Liam and Louis stood there smiling down at me gleefully, although it is clear that they woke up less that half an hour ago.

"I would say good morning, but right now I am wondering how did you find my room?" I lean on the frame, crossing my arms.

"Well, we could give you an explanation if you come with us for breakfast." Louis puts his arms behind his back, giving me a suppressed smirk.

Before I could make a decision, Max appears from behind without a shirt on, rubbing off the sleep from his eyes. "Who was it at the--"

There is a small pause when he sees the two British boys on the door step. A long minute of silence tenses up the atmosphere.

"Are you two--"

"No, we're not." Max and I interrupt Louis in-sync, aware that this was going to happen sooner or later.

"Then why are you--"

"We are just partners on a mission. Catrina and I are like siblings." Max explains as he scratches his head. "I'm Agent Max Crawley, pleasure to meet you." He offers his hand to shake to both, and they introduce themselves in return.

"Do you want to join us for breakfast too?" Liam asks him.

"You guys get going and I'll meet up with you in a little. I should dress up first."

"But do come over, because I'm not bringing anyone breakfast." I warn him before heading out.

"So what's your mission now?" Tomlinson decides to break the ice between us since we haven't seen each other in ages.

"It's unclear... But it has to do with my family." I tell him, and he nods his head in understanding.

"Finally, huh?"

"Yeah." A small smile forms on my lips.

"How have you been lately?" Liam asks as we exit the elevator.

"I've been okay, lots of training and such."

"Training? Don't you have enough of that?" Louis questions.

"True, but I can kick your ass twice faster now."

"Well, shit." He grunts.

When we enter the cafeteria, I am greeted by Zayn and Niall who immediately embrace me into a hug altogether. Preston and a couple of new guards are also there and I salute them. I'm glad they still remember me.

"I haven't seen ya in forever..." Niall leaves and arm around my shoulder. I get conscious of how tall he has gotten since the last time I've seen him.

"You skype her almost once a week." Zayn notes, causing Niall to slap him. I'm also seeing the changes on him and the others as well. They all have gotten taller (well, maybe not Louis...) and I'm seeing more tattoos than the last time.

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