Chapter 4: Pack Up Your Kimonos

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Check the author's note at the end of this chapter :)


"Welcome to the Secret Service's Sydney Division. How may I provide of my assistance to you at this time of the night?"

"Good... morning, my name is Maximilian Crawley, I work for the Central Intelligence Agency. This is my partner, Agent Catrina Martinez. We were called down by Officer Courtney Woods earlier and she told us to meet in this building." Max says as professionally as possible. I always preferred him talking, maybe because he is the oldest and receives more respect from others.

"Oh yes, Officer Woods told me earlier to let you in. She is in the second floor, room 236." She hands him a map of the building so we would not get lost. We thank her quickly and make our way to the room, which takes us only a few minutes to get there.

"You're here! I thought Maggie was going to call me to get you." Courtney smiles to the both of us. We're also greeted by Emily, Raquel, and three other individuals that I haven't met yet. A woman and two men. They are older than us, probably in their middle or late thirties except for one of the men who might be in his early fifties. "This is Dame Agent Georgie Canterbury, Agent Frederick Hayes, and Sir Chief Agent Daniel Maine."

"Pleasure to meet you." Max says as we shake hands with the three of them.

"The pleasure is ours. Sorry to be calling you at such early time." The chief says apologetically.

"Nothing to worry about." Max nods politely. Although he says that, you can clearly see on his eyes that it took him a while to get up. I don't blame him, I feel like my soul has been dragging my body from the hotel this whole time.

"We received a message of high priority from the Central Intelligence Headquarters, I hope you might recognize Agent Roseline McAdams?" Dame Canterbury stands up to the Smartboard. Soon as I hear Roseline's name, I swiftly glance up to her attentively.

"I would take that as a yes." Dame Canterbury continues. "According to her, there was an inconvenience with sending us an important file that has to do with confidential information on the top most-searched individuals by the Interpol. It seems like there were anonymous hackers who tried to get a hold of these files. The bad news is that we were not able to keep those documents because our technology at this very moment was not able to keep the hackers away."

I inhale deeply, trying to keep my cool as I come to realize that this agency managed to lose information helpful enough to search my family's recent location.

"The good news is that we took care of it very quickly and were able to send the document to another agency with the best technical equipment and is able to easily handle the hacking problems." Agent Hayes notes.

"In another Australian division?" I finally speak up, getting everyone's attention instantly.

"I'm afraid not, Ms. Martinez." The chief answers my question.

Where are these people taking us? "Right... So where?"

"The agency is the Naikaku Jōhō-shitsu. At the moment we are hoping they are receiving the hacked files. It is up to you to go over the agency to obtain the information for yourself. They are likely give you instructions as to how open the files without trouble." Sir Chief Maine says. He grabs a folder in front of him and reveals an envelope inside of it. "In this envelope there are two tickets for your next destination. The flight is in the afternoon, so you have time to catch up on some sleep."

I start to get more irritated than I already am. Before I could interrogate him with more questions, Crawley stands up from his seat and grabs the envelope from the Chief. "Thank you for your assistance, and thank you so much for taking care of us these couple of days." He nods to the girls.

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