Chapter 3: Bandsitting Action

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"Martinez? Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Woods."

"Just wanted to check if the two of you were good."

"Yeah..." I glimpse at the two boys next to me for a second before continuing speaking. "How about there?"

"Haven't found him yet... We did find Calum and Luke though..."

"Oh, did you now?" I say sarcastically, turning to them once again yet this time giving them a deathly glare. If looks could kill, they would be long gone.

"By the sound of your voice..." She says over the talkie.

"You guessed it."

"Keep an eye on them, please." She says lastly before we continue to look around.

"Now listen up, kids." I get up from my position against the wall so I manage to see our new members in the group.

"Hey, we're not kids." Ashton says offended. "I'm nineteen, for your information."

"And I'm seventeen, big whoop." I say in monotone. "Now, we are the ones with the weapons here, we're trying to get a thief, do not get in our way like you just did." I point the tip of the knife at them, not really threatening them, but giving them a warning of consequences they might face if they get involved in this.

"Raquel just texted me saying that her talkie died out due to batteries. She says they checked the whole floor and there's nothing suspicious." She gives me the update.

"Which means he might be on this floor." I glance at her for confirmation, and she nods right away. I turn to the boys who I have no choice but to bring them along with me. "You will have to keep up. Stay behind us at all times. From this point, it's going to get dangerous."


Niall's POV

"Rise an' shine, sleepin' beauty!" I slam the door open to Louis' room.

"For fuck's sake, Niall." I could hear Louis groaning from under the duvet. "Let me sleep."

"It's past three o'clock."

"I don't care, I'm tired." He grumbles, throwing a cushion I manage to dodge easily. I sigh, leaving him there just like I did with Zayn and Liam in their rooms. They are lucky enough that we have a week with no work to do, if not they would have no choice but to get up for rehearsal.

I exit the room, closing the door behind me, and making my way to the kitchen where I find a curly-haired lad drinking some tea as he checks his phone.

"At least someone woke up." I mumble, walking into the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Good day to you too." He replies, not bothering to look up.

"What is up your asses lately?" I say out loud, causing him to finally glance up and give me a weird look. "I didn't do anything? Why are you saying that?"

"I don't know." I get an apple and a knife on the way back to the counter. "I try getting up everyone and I get pillows thrown in return. You look like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."

"I'm not in a bad mood though." He defends himself.

"Oh really." I say in a sarcastic tone. "You've been in some sort of depression for months ever since you ended things with Taylor. Heck, maybe even before that."

He rolls his eyes. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Whatever you say." I grab my phone and check the time. "I wonder what time is it in Florida..."

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