Chapter 15: In My Defense

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Harry's POV

I fix my blue mask for the nth time this past hour, I am so aggravated I just want to throw it away. A lot of people wanted to strike a conversation but I've been doing my best to reject. It hasn't been easy since I heard of the news few days back. She hasn't called me, nor any of the boys.

I can't help but think of the worst.

I finally find Niall who has been talking with Ellie and Edward the whole time. "Hey, I'm going outside for a while. I need to take some air." I pat the Irish lad on the shoulder before heading out.

"Want me to tag along?" He asks me, as he expression changes drastically when he remembers something. "Holy fuck, H. Guess who I saw--"

"Beyoncé? Yeah, I know." I shut him up quickly. I love the lad but I have heard enough about Beyoncé and Jay-Z's presence from everyone ever since we got here. "Think you should go look for Liam so we could go back to the hotel. I'll let you know if I find him outside." He tries to stop me but I just walk away.

Sorry Niall, I seriously want to leave this place.

Not that I don't like it. The mansion is fabulous and the party is great, but everything is just boring. I regret not stopping them from accepting this invitation, I don't even know the reason behind this huge celebration.

I walk out of the mansion to the from porch, where some people are talking random stuff. I nod at them as I excuse myself while I pass through. I could hear some gossiping as they recognise me but I completely ignore them. I'm seriously not in such a great mood to speak to them.

I take off the uncomfortable mask and put it in my trousers' pocket. I don't even know where I'm going. I want some place that is not so loud; that there aren't many people around.

I end up in what seems to be the back part of the mansion, some large terrace with a fountain right in the middle. I decide to sit on the edge of it, with many things have been roaming in my head for the past couple of weeks.

I check my phone once again, in hopes that she has seen my messages. However, I try not to think of the worst but everything that is happening revolving her leads to those exact thoughts.

What if she was at the headquarters that day?

Why hasn't she contacted us yet?

I glance down at my screen, seeing the last few messages she left when I tried my best to ignore her.

All of the sudden I hear my name, and after that everything went in slow motion.


I glance towards the direction I believe I heard the voice coming from, and notice a figure on the balcony of the third floor. He looks awfully familiar.

Another figure also catches my attention on the balcony to the left, this time a woman in a long red dress. She seems to be ready to jump off-- whoa, what.

Is she thinking of committing suicide in this place?

She glimpse back quickly, gracefully saluting whoever is behind her. I don't think she is actually thinking of taking her own life. You got to have a lot of balls or be a secret agent--

Hold on.

"LOOK OUT BELOW!" She shouts as she takes the impulse and lets go of the rail. Her long curls flow as a cold breeze picks up.

I instinctively extent my arms wide to grab her, and almost hear her squeal right before we make contact. Her body causes me to fall back on the grass, receiving an excruciating pain that makes it hard to breathe, especially with her weight pressing my lungs.

It takes a good long seconds for her to slowly separates from me.

When she looks down, her curls fall on the sides of the face. The red of her mask accentuates her light brown eyes. I see the paper plane charm I gave her last year around her neck. She looks so different. 



Catrina's POV

Let's just say that the second I let go of that railing, I regretted many things. One of them mainly letting go of that railing.

Now I'm seriously going to die.

The fall is quick that I can't even close my eyes to keep myself from seeing my death. That's when I see Harry extending his arms at me willing to stop the fall, but I know that I won't be surviving this fall easily.

I open my arms as I land on him. Due to the force of my body drop he loses balance and I push both of us down to the grass instantly.

I wait a few seconds for the adrenaline to kick down, and slowly open my eyes, seeing grass only a few centimeters away from my face. I peek to the side and see him shutting his eyes tightly as he groans out of pain, his arms get loose from my waist and drops them on the grass.

His eyelids open lazily, revealing that forest green color I missed seeing for a while. My heart skips another beat as he does nothing but stare.

"Um..." I clear my throat, trying to make everything less awkward than it already is. "A-Are you alright?"

He doesn't move his eyes from me. "Are you crazy?"


"Who the fuck decides to jump off a third floor recklessl-- ow, shit." He touches his back as he gets up.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I get up, trying to withstand the pain in my left ankle.

"Answer my question." He doesn't look too happy.

"Well, in my defense, I am being chased by the Italian mafia..." Just as I finish saying that, I hear Max's voice on the bluetooth. I completely forgot I still had that in my ear.

"...ina, c... hear m... sta... ning... y... co..."

"Max? I can't make up what you're trying to say."

"...ou hear me now?" His voice becomes clearer through the line.


"Are you alright?" He asks rather hurriedly.

"Well, we're alive." I shrug as I receive a glare from Harry.

"They are coming after you, get Harry out of there or they might get him involved." He warns me rapidly.

I look at Curly Fries in front of me. "Put on your mask."

"Wha-- Why?"

"Just do it." I command him, which takes him aback but he puts it on. "Can you run?"

"I am barely getting up." He rubs his back like an old man.

"Eccola!" <There she is!> I hear from the entrance. 

"I'll take that as a yes." I grab his arms and drag him into the suburbs of the mansion.


Went to see Dunkirk yesterday.

Oh my God.

Thank that movie and Harry's acting for motivate me to continue writing. 

Hope you have a lovely day :)

~Bianca x

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