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The sound of a marker squeaked flooding the oddly silent classroom of students. Usually, they would snicker and throw paper secretly which never ever happened to be a secret. Now Jisung thought it was actually nice for his classmates to be silent cause sometimes it got fucking annoying—you know?

The teacher placed the cap on the marker turning around to pick a student to answer the question. Her eyes then landed on Jisung. He could feel himself grow nervous as his fingers anxiously crossed as she stared at her. 

Come on don't be a bitch...



Why did it seem that each time Jisung didn't know the question she would always place her little reminder on his forehead knowing that since Jisung didn't know the problem she had to pick him. He looked around the classroom, how many students were there? One, two... Like thirteen goddamn students and still picked him. 

Now he knew his thirteenth reason. 

His tired eyes looked at the board and his pen tapped against his notebook. 


She stared at him, her eyes like daggers stabbing at the soreness of his body. Her dark eyes were taunting him as he tried to give a good answer but all he could say was:

"I don't know." 

The teacher sighed in disappointment rubbing at her face. "I swear he doesn't pay attention." 

"I swear she doesn't know how to teach." 

His eyes grew in horror. He did not just say that out loud. The sound of snickers and oohs were directed at the teacher when Jisung said that. 

"Excuse me, can you repeat that, Han Jisung?" 

Why couldn't a void suck him into the ground right now. Why couldn't the school just fucking burn down already. The embarrassment was eating him alive at this point.

He swallowed dry as she glared at him, arms crossed. 

 "Do you want to come up here and teach class?" She sneered walking over to his desk. 

Jisung rolled his eyes to himself. "Sorry but no." 

"This isn't a joke, Han Jisung." 

"I never said it was ma'am."  Jisung muttered. 

He was testing the waters. The words just came out like vomit he couldn't stop himself. 

"Do you want to go to the office?" 

Did he? Well right now, yes. He didn't want to be in the class anymore, he wanted to see himself out. All the students laughed at each word Jisung said and loved how the teacher reacted to them. 

"Uh, I don't know what to say?" Jisung mumbled picking at his neck. 

"I don't think you should say anything else, go to the office." 

He blinked awkwardly before slowly grabbing his bag. The students watched him stand up and silently walk out of the room. Honestly, he was quite happy to get out of the class, but he was not pumped to go to the office. 

Actually, he wasn't even going to go. 

Jisung turned away from the direction he was going and made his way up the stairs that led to the rooftop. Usually when he skipped class knowing he wasn't supposed to, he would go and chill up on the rooftop and just listen to music. He always packed his headphones; they were really like his life. 

Headphones weren't enough for him he needed that music in his ears. Was he being a little bit to dramatic? Nah. 

Finally, he made his way through the door and stepped on into the rooftop. His eyes gazed around looking for any people that had skipped but surprisingly there was no one up here. He made his way over to the bench and sat down before placing his backpack down on the hard floor with a light thud. 

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