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The sound of rain pattering on the window mixed the sounds of pleasure coming from underneath the darkness of the room. Hands combed through hair and carressed the sweaty bodies that pushed together. Jisung gasped mewling shortly after at the pleasure that ran up his body. Minho's groans pushed right next to Jisung's ear mixed with breathy chuckles. 

"You do look good with blue hair." Minho pressed a chaff kiss to the boy's earlobe. 

Jisung giggled running his hands up Minho's arms. "I looked so good you couldn't control yourself?" 

Minho slotted his lips to Jisung's biting down on the plushy bottom lip. Jisung brought his hand up and around Minho's neck pulling him closer down letting his hands fall down to his husband's pink cheeks. He threw his head back burying it right into the pillow letting out a soft moan. 

The older touched at Jisung's waist pressing closer to him. "Fuck Jisung..." 

Jisung whined, wrapping his thighs around Minho's waist. "oh it's... hgnh"

His teeth bit down on his swollen lip fluttering his eyes shut.

"So good... so so good." 

Minho got up onto his knees pushing Jisung's body down. He threw his head back exposing the veins that painted his neck. The room was dark, they could barely see each other except when the moon shined right inside the heavy filled room illuminating the two before hiding again. Their heavy pants fogged up inside leaving both of them gasping slightly for air. 

"Wait Min...!" Jisung cried out shooting his hand up to Minho's exposed chest, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. His fingers dug into Minho's arm with his other hand gasping sharply at the knot that tangled inside his stomach. 

"What." Minho groaned lowly eyes staring down into the boy that crumbled beneath him. 

Jisung cried at the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. "Fuck I-I can't!...." 

A whine escaped from his lips as he felt Minho pull out. 

"Why?..." He said sitting up. 

"Turn around." Minho said running a hand through his sweaty hair. 

The younger just sighed and turned around placing his hands on the headboard. He felt Minho place his hands on his waist gasping when he felt Minho re-enter. And with the sudden thrust his body jolted up and the tears finally escaped his dilated eyes. He brought one hand up to his lips biting down on the skin with crooked moans. 

"M-Minho... I really can't.., hgh!..." Jisung blabbered. 

His fingertips began to turn white from how tight he was grasping the headboard. Tears fell down from his flushed cheeks as he laid his head down onto his hands. 

"God..." A wet gasp drew across another moan as he begged. "Fuck you're so annoying..." 

Minho groaned pressing harder to Jisung. 

"You're so fucking perfect." 

Jisung let out a crooked moan as he released legs shaking at the overstimulation and finally fell to his hands when Minho finished. Minho pulled out rubbing his hair back with his hand letting a snicker fall out from his lips. 

"Up for another one?" 

The blue haired boy turned to look at him with a glare tsking as he sat on his legs. "No." 

They heard meows and scratches being pawed at their door. 

"My babies..." Jisung frowned trying to stand up to get some clothes on but quickly gave up. 

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