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It felt like their trip in Paris decided just to fly by and end it in a day. They had packed their stuff and glanced one more time around the streets of Paris before heading to the airport. Now they sat in the plane just having to wait a few more hours till they landed back in Korea. Jisung was excited to come back home though he was going to miss how nice it was in Paris and how good the food was. One day he hoped he could go with his friends so they could view how beautiful the place was. 

Jisung stared down at his hands with a bunch of scribbles intruding his thoughts. How was his and Minho relationship going to be like now? People who don't like each other don't just fuck, unless that is a hookup. According to Jisung. And according to Jisung, he felt no feelings for Minho but to him it was okay to lie. 

So that meant Jisung actually had developed some type of emotion for Minho, and he just didn't want to admit. Though he basically had already. His head turned to look at the older who was currently passed out with his bangs hanging over his face. 

That stupid dumb handsome face of his. 

He hated it so damn much. More like he hated how he loved how fucking beautiful Minho was. How could one be so handsome looking but so bitchy at the same time. Minho was kind of like the devil in disguise, beautiful on the outside, evil on inside. 

Why am I talking shit? 

Wait is that considered talking shit? 

Not really, he was just saying how good-looking Minho was, those were straight compliments. Enough with that he was started to get tired. When he woke up, he better have been in Korea, or he didn't want to wake up at all. 


Jisung was beginning to wake up by a hand shaking his shoulder gently. He whined rubbing his eyes that were struggling to open from the bright airplane lights that seemed to shine right on his face. He sits up from his chair grabbing his backpack following the Lee Minho's figure as they began to exit the plane. He felt dizzy as he walked, it was the jetlag for sure. He just wanted to jump into his bed and sleep the rest of the week, but he couldn't since he had two days until school started back up, lucky him. 

Tiredness filled his body as he followed Minho who was trying to find them both an easy way out of the busy airport. It was dark outside; the moon slowly began to go down with each passing second though causing the light in the sky to begin shining the town. His tired eyes looked back straight feeling the buzz in his pocket that carried his beeping device there safely though he did not want to check who was texting him at this hour. A shaky yawn escaped from in between his pink slightly scarred lips as he rubbed his eyes with his sore hand. 

His hoodie comfortably tugged at his body letting it collect the warmth that he so adored right now. He watched Minho slowly find an exit and began to walk towards it, the suitcases rolling jaggedly on the ground behind him.

Jisung began to feel like the tiredness was a monster, finding itself trying to get Jisung to point where he needed to rest. He began to wonder if he was being a bit dramatic, usually when he was tired, he could get a little dramatic. But he could feel it lingering around his body waiting for Jisung to shut his eyes and fall into a deep peaceful slumber of his own. He wasn't going to attempt to start a conversation with Minho he didn't know if the jetlag was getting to him too. 

Finally, they left the airport and headed to the car that was there waiting for them both. The driver got out to help them pull their luggage into the back of the car shutting it before heading to return to his seat in the car. Jisung got himself into the car shutting the door behind him as he grabbed the seatbelt to tape over his exhausted body. Minho did the same, quickly taking his phone out after to check his messages. The brunette-haired boy laid his head down against the glass staring out watching as the stuff next to him became faster and faster from the car beginning to drive. 

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