Since it's Oli's bday (when I'm writing this) I'm gonna feature him in this chapter

I don't really know much about Oli or how he acts/talks so I apologize if his dialogue and actions aren't accurate to the way he is irl

Tw: alcohol, mentions of depression

Mars' POV

A familiar head of curly hair, tattoos, and the most emo guy you could find was in the passenger seat. You may know him as Oliver Sykes. I call him Lanky Bear(LB for short), he calls me Space Rock, (Rocky for short) don't ask why.

"Yo Space Rock, whaddup," LB greeted.

"Oh you know, the usual; depression, missing my ex, jamming out to emo music," I told him, getting into the backseat and setting my bag down.

"Same," both Dad and Oli retorted at the same time. Oh yeah, Jesse and Dad broke up. Apparently she cheated on him. (This didn't actually happen, it's just for the story) Hah, sounds like someone I know.

We all chuckled as Dad started driving away Thank god the day is over and I can just chill at home, binge watch my favorite show and nap. Ahhh, that's the life.

"Don't wanna be an American idiot," I mumbled along to the radio. Lanky Bear turned it up and we all started jamming out together.

By the time that song ended we arrived home. I grabbed my bag and walked inside the house with them. Dad and Oli went down to the studio, I assume for music things cause you know, why else would you go down there?

I let them do whatever they needed to do and headed to my room. I tossed my bag somewhere in the closet and laid down on my bed, shoes on and everything. Like your average depressed human, I scrolled through whatever social network I had on my phone to see that nothing interesting happened.


I don't know why but I started to feel hungry after only being on my phone for like ten minutes. I walked downstairs and looked through the cupboards for any sorts of food that seemed appealing to me. Nada. Great.


"Chik Fil A? I want Chik Fil A!" I heard practically everyone but Autumn yell in the house. Dad and LB came back upstairs.

"You can go but be careful please, don't let any weirdos touch you, alright" Dad told me, counting dollar bills and then giving them to me.

"I know, I know," I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, get a big thing of nuggets and Dr. Peppers for all of us," he said.

"Kay," I smiled, giving him and LB a hug cause I felt like it and then walking out the door. Chick Fil A is only a few minutes down the street so I had no issue with riding my bike there. Yes, Dad got me a bike.

As I road down my block, I passed.....Awsten's house. His mom was outside, of course. She waved at me as I was riding by. Like any normal being, I waved back and flashed her a smile as well. She went back inside just as I turned the corner.

"At least it wasn't him," I muttered to myself.

I soon reached the extraordinary Chik Fil A. Dad texted me the orders for everyone so I told the guy what I wanted. I waited a few minutes then they handed me my food and the drinks. am I going to carry this shit whilst also riding my bike?

Somehow I managed to carry it all and not let anything fall. I made it home soon enough and set the food on the counter. "FOOD!!!!"

Broken(adopted by YUNGBLUD part 3)Where stories live. Discover now