Close Encounters

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Yoo, whaddup baddies

That's how ima start every chapter from now on, I've just decided that :)

Anywayyys, sup? How u doin?

Tw: none

Let's get started

Mars' POV

"So, what'd you think?" Dad asked me as we all walked out of the building I still don't know the name of; BBC something.

"It was great!" I grinned, he smiled too.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he said.

Me and Rafe got into the car and sat in the back together, Autumn soon joined us while the adults sat up in the front.

"Soo, was it everything you were hoping for?" I asked Rafe.

"No, it was even better! I got to meet my idols but not only that, they gave me a free, signed hoodie!!"

I chuckled, I could honestly ask the Palaye Royale brothers to send him a bunch of hoodies and other things and he'd have a literal panic attack.

"Oh hey, isn't that Geoff?" Rafe asked me, pointing out the window.

I followed his finger with my eyes. Sure enough, there he was along with his band mates, Otto and.....Awsten. Awsten looked exactly how he did on tv, red hair, a little bit of eyeliner, just somehow he looked more.....depressed.

This is the closet we've been to each other in a really long time.
Luckily, he hasn't seen me, Otto did though. He waved with a smile. Geoff looked at Otto weirdly and then Otto whispered something to him.

Geoff turned around and looked at me. He smiled too and waved. I smiled as well and waved back. They both looked at Awsten and then back to me. I shook my head, worried they were gonna tell him that I'm literally just a couple feet from him.

I faintly heard Awsten say something like, "are you going to get in the car or not?"

Geoff and Otto broke their eye contact with me and nodded to him, getting inside the green car. They looked sad, maybe they miss me too.

Maybe I should talk to them, or text them.


"You alright kiddo," Dad asked me, looking to the green car and then at me.

I nodded, "yeah, I think I'm gonna catch up with Otto and Geoff though."

I put my hand in my pocket to grab my phone but it was empty. I tried my other pockets and they were all empty too. Where is it? I looked in the cup holder, under my seat, nothing. Then.......shit.....I left it inside.

I mentally groaned. The door to the BBC place is right in view of Awsten, that means he could see me and then all of hell would break loose right down on me.

"What?" Rafe asked me.

"I forgot my phone," I mumbled.

He shrugged his shoulders, "so go get it."

I shook my head, "no, if I do, Awsten will see me and then...he'll try to talk to me or something and-"

"Or he won't," he cut me off.

I looked back at Awsten's car. Maybe there was a chance he wouldn't see me, or maybe he would and just not try to talk to me.

"Can you come with me?" I asked him.


Phew! Ok, deep breaths, Mars, deep breaths.

"Uh, we'll be right back." I told Dad.

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