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Im so so so so so sorry for taking so long to update

Idk why but I developed a writer's block and I just couldn't think of anything or how to write it

also I'm rlly sorry but this is going to be a short chapter, I tried fixing and redoing it so many times but this was the only version I was somewhat happy with

Again, I'm so sorry

don't hate me pls🥺

Mars' POV

Ughhhhhhhh I hate being grounded. I can't even text Rafe anymore, not even listen to music. Whatever, at least I can watch tv.

Currently I'm on the third Scream movie. I've been binge watching the series since I don't have any better shit to do. That, and I don't feel like socializing with my sister. Or anyone for that matter.

It's kinda dumb to me that Dad took away my phone. Now I can't even text him to ask where he's at and why the fuck he's been gone for over four hours. I guess I could ask Tom.......

Eh, too lazy for that.

"The past will come back to bite you in the ass. Whatever you think you know about the past, forget it. The past is not at rest. Any sins you think were committed in the past are about to break out and destroy you." Randy, my favorite character, spoke on the tv in front of me.

Damn. Hopefully my past won't bite me in the ass. I've had nightmares for a while about my "parents" somehow getting out of jail and finding me. Thank god I got over those, it was like hell just trying to get through the rest of the day after I woke up from one.

"He's hot."

"Jesus fucking Christ, don't do that," I said as I turned around to face Autumn, "and no he is fucking not."

She was talking about Roman, the killer in the movie. Autumn really needs to get a better taste.

"Yes, and he's the best Ghostface." She replied, plopping down on the couch next to me. I rolled my eyes, Billy is obviously the best.

We watched the movie together, then it finished. After Autumn started the fourth one I heard Dad's car pull up in the driveway. Finally.

Already out the door, I ran up to him and bombarded him with a gajillion questions.

"Why the fuck did you take so long?"

"Is Awsten okay?"

"Could you maybe not take my phone next time so I can text you?"

He sighed with a soft chuckle, looking at me for a second before turning towards the door, "luv, can I at least get into the house first."

I rolled my eyes playfully, following him inside. I closed the door and locked it behind us and followed him upstairs, Autumn's pussy- I mean cat almost tripping me on the last step.

"Why are you following me?" Dad laughed, heading towards his room.

"Why not?" I smiled, following him inside.

He chuckled as he sat down on his bed, kicking his shoes off. I mirrored him, hopping on his bed and sliding my slippers off.

"I actually have something to talk to you about.....something to do with Awsten." He said, looking deep into my eyes.

"Oh..." I murmured, looking down at my fingers.

"Yeah. Um......his mum is away on a work trip. The doctor said that he needs someone to watch him for a while so...I offered to take him in until his mum comes back." He explained.

So.....he wants Awsten to stay here? In the same house as me? Where we'll probably have to speak to each other?

"I- long would he stay here?" I asked him, fidgeting nervously with my fingers, playing with the rings around them.

"A little more than a week," he told me.

That's not too bad, I guess.

"I just wanted to let you know before we brought him here. Of course, if you feel like it's too much for you then we can find somewhere else for him to stay."

"O-okay." I replied, a stutter very evident in my voice.


"He wants Awsten to stay here.....I just don't know if I can mentally handle that, even if I want to," I rambled on to Oli whom I was currently on a call with.

"Well, if you really want, and I mean really truly do want to then just don't let your feelings get in the way. Try to control them, if that makes sense." Oli said.

"Yeah, I guess," I muttered, "what if I can't though?"

"You're just not ready, then. That's fine, though. Things like this take time, you'll be ready eventually."

I rolled over in my bed, contemplating what he said.

"I'd recommend trying to talk to him first. When did you say that Dom was bringing him to your place?"

"Tuesday," I answered.

"Try to see him tomorrow then, that way it won't be so bad when he comes the day after."

"I guess I can do that after school. Would you mind picking me up and going with me?" I asked.

I heard him chuckle, "not at all, Rocky."

I smiled, "thanks, Oli."



Again, really really really sorry.


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