Awsten Fucking Knight

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U already know this is gonna be iconic based on the title


Hope ur well :)

This is also gonna be a sad (kinda) chapter so get out ur snacks again, ur drinks, and wrap urself in a comfy blanket

Tw: angst, mentions of overdose/suicide, suicidal thoughts, self hate/harm

Mars' POV

I woke up at around 5:00 in the morning. I don't remember falling asleep but I guess I eventually did....on Dad. I know he doesn't mind though so it's fine.

Wait...why did I wake up?

I looked around on the couch. Otto and Geoff were sleeping on a few cushions over, next to each other. I looked at Dad and noticed his phone. There was an incoming call.

Wait, it's the officer.

Does that mean......

I quickly picked up Dad's phone and quietly got off of him. I stepped to the side, away from everyone else so I wouldn't wake them. I took a breath and then answered the call, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi, is this...Mars Harrison?" I recognized the officer's voice on the other line.

I nodded and then remembered he can't see me, "y-yes."

"Okay, your boyfriend is conscious. You can see him now."

Boyfriend. Yeah about that...

"H-he's actually not my boyfriend...he-he used to be."

"Oh...okay, I understand. Well...normally I'd have to give you a fine for lying to an officer but I understand why you lied so I'll leave you with a warning." He said.

Oh thank god. "Thank you sir. it okay if I bring other people with me to see him?"

"Yes, that is fine."

"O-okay, I will be there shortly. Thank you sir, again."

I heard him chuckle on the other line, "you're welcome."

The call ended after that. I sighed, Awsten's awake. If only I could drive I'd already be there but I can't so....


Dad woke up first with a groan and then Otto and Geoff followed in pursuit.

Time to see my ex I guess.

Awsten's POV

W-where am I? Why's it so bright here? What the fuck am I wearing?

Oh wait, it's a hospital, obviously.

Why am I in a hospital?

Did......oh...that's why.

Ughh, my head. I really regret having vodka and that Snoop Dogg Wine.

Knock knock.

Visitors? That's surprising. "Uh...come in...?"

The door opened and Mom came in along with Sophie (Sophie is gonna be Awsten's sis in this book cuz yeah) Mom already had tears streaming down her face, Sophie had no emotion on her face and was only here because she had to be.

"Hey honey," Mom said, her voice still sweet as ever.

"Hi," I muttered. She was probably going to tell me off about how much I worried her.

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