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totally unrelated to the book but I got a haircut and finally I look somewhat androgynous


tw: there are none!

Mars' POV

BEeeeEEeeePPp!!!! BeeeEeEEeeEPPPp!!!

Ughhhhh, I don't wanna go to school. I groaned, rolling over.


"Mars, I beg you, turn that shit off." Awsten groaned. I chuckled tiredly, rolling over and turning off the alarm.

"I don't want to go to school," I whined.

Awsten yawned, "well, you kinda need to. I'll drop you off if you want."

I smiled, "we're gettin' Starbuck's then."


"Thanks, Aws. For the ride and the coffee....and the lunch." I chuckled as we approached school. I kinda forgot my lunch so he offered to get me Chipotle for later.

"Of course." He smiled.

Still sweet as ever. Fuck, I really have missed him.

"Well, I'll see you later, I guess." I sighed, getting out of the car and grabbing my bag.

He smiled at me, "bye Mars."

"Bye Aws."

I closed the car door and headed into school. Ughhhh. Why do we even have to go to school? Like actually. We should only have middle school and college so that we can learn the stuff we actually want. Who's with me?

At the end of the day I still have to go to school anyways so there really no point in complaining. Luckily, I have Rafe.

"Was that Awsten fucking Knight?!" He asked. I looked back as Awsten was driving away and nodded. "Yeah, he just dropped me off."

"WHAT!??!?" He exclaimed, following me to my locker and asking like a million questions at once.
"Since when were you guys on good terms-!!?"

"A few days ago. He needed somewhere to stay so he's hanging around at my place for a while." I explained.

He gasped way over dramatically "So, like, are you guys friends or something more...?"

I looked at him, seeing a tiny hint of jealousy in his eyes. A knowing smirk grew on me, "why, you jealous?"

He turned red as a tomato, "what- no!!"

"Yeah, uh huh. Hey, that skirt looks good on you." I closed my locker and walked off to my first class of the day. So, Rafe likes me? Huh.


Awsten still likes me.

Awsten's POV

Well, I'm alone again. As always, Mars is on my mind. I wonder if I'm on theirs. Probably not, but whatever. What is there to do here? I could go back to sleep. Nahhh.

"Dooo doo doo-duh doo bu-dum..." I hummed.

I've had that melody in my head for forever but I just can't find the words to go with it. Writer's block I suppose. Hmmm, I'm feeling a very soft, light pink today. Probably because of Mars. Maybe I can put those feelings into a song.

I got out my notebook from my bag and 'borrowed' one of Mars' pens. I hummed the beat in my head, getting a feel for it, y'know?

"Doo bum bum doooo doo-doo."

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