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Ignore the other pic, that was on accident

Waddup Baddies

How's ur day?

I have a question,

Are u guys actually enjoying this series? Just curious

Anyways let's get started

Same tw as last chapter just vomitting is added

Awsten's POV

"Geooff? Ottto?" I called out.

Where are those guys?
The room I'm in is spinning like crazy and it's making me kinda.....fuck.

I ran, or tried as best I could, out of my room and to the bathroom. I quickly lifted the toilet lid and puked my fucking guts out. Ughhh, I hate throwing up. At least the room stopped spinning.

I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth out with water. As I was doing that I noticed my reflection. I look like shit. Literally. I have bags under my eyes, my hair is crazy, my lips are dry and chapped.


"Otto? Geoff?" I called out once again. Still no answer.

Where the hell are they?

I walked downstairs to see that they were not there. So they left? I guess I get why, I mean, I was passed out and....drunk.

Wait, they didn't leave because I was drunk. They left because.......because I said something I think. Something bad.

I just can't remember.

"Think Awsten, think!" was.....something about Dom.

I-I think I was talking bad about him. Um.....wait.

I remember now. Did I really say something that terrible? And it was about Dom?


Now I really lost everyone and of's all my fault.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


I truly have lost everyone.

Why do all the people that mean the most to me disappear? Why do I make so many fucking mistakes? Just.....why?

It'd all be better if I just disappeared and....never came back. No one would care anyway. I'd just lift unnecessary weight off of their shoulders.

Fuck, I need another drink.

I looked in the fridge once again. Nothing.


Oh wait, the wine cabinet.

I tried opening it. Locked. Great. Maybe Dad left the key in his office. I went back upstairs and into his office. There lay a shiny silver key, just what I needed.

I grabbed it and went back downstairs, into the kitchen. I unlocked the cabinet and grabbed a wine bottle labeled 'Cali Red by Snoop Dogg.'

Why the fuck do my parents have this? Oh well. I pulled the cork off and gulped like a whole quarter of the bottle. Uhhh, this tastes like shit. I shrugged and took another sip. Already tipsy again.

"I needd some fresh air," I said to literally no one.

I walked out of my house, taking my wine with me and wandered around the deserted streets of my block, down the next few blocks. I took many drinks of my wine, half of the bottle was gone by the time I got to my destination. My final stop in life.

Mars' POV

Okay Mars, you can do this. I took a big breath in and out and then stepped outside. Both of the boys followed in my lead. I'm scared shitless, it may not seem that way but I definitely am. I didn't even notice I reached the front door already. I was too busy trying to gather my thoughts.

I took another deep breath in and out, took a look at the giant full moon around me for whatever reason, and then slowly turned the door knob.

Here we go.

"Shit," I whispered.

It's been so long. Being back here brought so many memories of me and Awsten. Both the good, and the bad.

Right, no time to remember that stuff, we need to find Awsten. Geoff and Otto followed me upstairs. Awsten's room was just down the hall. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Shit, I'm so nervous.

"Yeah, why don't one of you open it first," I said nervously, rushing behind Geoff and Otto.

They chuckled and walked ahead, I slowly crept behind them. Otto opened the door without hesitation and then gasped dramatically.

"WHAT??!" I asked, rushing in front of him.

"He's not here?" Geoff questioned, turning the light on.

"We-we gotta find him," I said, running on pure adrenaline now. Where the fuck is he?

"You guys check downstairs and I'll check up here," I told them, they both nodded and headed downstairs.

I searched his room again, just in case we missed anything. Nothing. The bathroom; other than a vodka bottle, nothing. His dad's office, nothing. His parent's room; nothing.

Where the hell is he?!



I headed back downstairs. "Where could he be?" Otto asked.

"I have no idea." Geoff said.

I thought of the places Awsten had brought me. One stood out in particular.

"I think I know where he might be." I told them, "come on."


Short chapter but I don't give a fuck :P


Broken(adopted by YUNGBLUD part 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora