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How ya been?

I apologize for not posting anything for the past week or so. Ive been kinda down, but I'm back now.

Today's chapter is gonna be a bit sad but not too bad

Tw: mentions of suicide, ED, cigarettes, alcohol

Mars' POV

As soon as I opened the door, as soon as I saw him, his gorgeous eyes, I panicked. It felt like an alarm set off in my brain when he looked back at me. I froze, only for a second and then.......

I ran.

I don't know why but, I couldn't face him. When I saw him last night all I wanted to do was make sure he was okay and give him a hug but now..... I just can't.

I ran to the stairs and dashed down them, tripping and spraining my ankle as I did so. I ignored the pain though and kept running until I was on the bottom floor of the hospital again. Without thinking, I bolted out of the back exit. The sun practically blinded me but I just kept on running.

I ran for a while, until I was out of sight of the hospital. There was a small alleyway I spotted and decided to hide there.

Hide from who?

The world.

(So u can kinda picture it^)

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(So u can kinda picture it^)

My phone was already buzzing with messages and calls. I turned it off as I slid down to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest. I hid my face with my hood as well.

I wanted to disappear in the moment, but I could only run for so long. This'll have to do I

Awsten's POV

I saw them, only for a few seconds before they quite literally bolted. Then, they were gone again.

"Fook, Mars wait," Dom said, taking off after them. I was on my feet too, and I ran behind him along with Otto and Geoff.

That was until I started to get lightheaded. The world started spinning like crazy, my vision becoming blurry. I felt numb too. We were at the bottom staircase when I blacked out and dropped practically dead with a big thump.

Guess there was still alcohol in me. The doctor taking my blood sample definitely didn't help.

Dom's POV

This is all my fault. I shouldn't have forced them into the room like that. I thought they'd be alright with seeing him and I didn't even pause to think about the fact that they could've had a fooking heart attack or some shit.

Now they're gone and Awsten's passed out. The fook kinda father am I? Whatever, no time for self hatred right now. I gotta find Mars.

I left Otto and Geoff to look after Awsten and headed out of the hospital. They couldn't have gone too far, right? I had tried calling them which hadn't worked. If I don't find them soon they could do something......really bad.

Broken(adopted by YUNGBLUD part 3)Where stories live. Discover now