Bad Idea, Right?

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I'm gonna try to make this a two in one chapter cuz we haven't had one in a while

Mars' POV

"Are they asleep still?"

"Yeah, they had a rough day yesterday. Just let them rest. I'll go get us some food, keep an eye on them."


Emerson entered the room. He sat down on the corner of the bed by me. I don't feel like getting up. Not even to piss or anything, just wanna stay here all day. I know Dad would beat my ass though.

I rolled over and opened my eyes to see Emmy on his phone. "Morning Emerson." I mumbled, my voice a bit raspy.

He turned around and grinned at me, "morning, need anything?"

I shook my head, "I'm good. Thank you, though."

He smiled and nodded before turning his attention back to his phone. I grabbed my own phone and looked at my notifications. I had about a hundred messages from Dad and at least fifty missed calls. Shit.

I decided to call him back, not bothered by Emerson still being in the room. He answered after the first two rings.

"Mars, I'm gonna ask you once and only once. Where. The. Fook. Are. You."

Yeah, I'm definitely in trouble. That's okay though. "I-I'm at Sebastian's house."

He sighed in relief. "Stay there, I'll come get you. We're gonna have a long talk when you get home."

I couldn't tell if he was mad, maybe just glad that I'm safe. Either way this 'talk' will probably involve him yelling at me. "O-okay."

He hung up after that. "Fuckk," I muttered, throwing my phone down on the bed and nervously running my hands through my hair.

"Hey, I'm sure it'll be alright. He could never be too mad at you." Emerson attempted to reassure me.

I gave him a slight smile, "thanks Em."

He smiled back.

A few minutes later there was a loud knock at the door. Me and Emmy both got up and walked downstairs. Emerson unlocked the door and opened it.

I didn't look at Dad, just down at the floor. "Fank you Emerson, and your brothers for watching them." Dad said.

"Of course."

"Get your arse in the car." Dad ordered.

Hesitantly I walked out of the house with him, waving bye to Emerson before he closed the door. Dad walked ahead of me and got in the car. I sat in the passenger seat and then he started driving away.

We didn't say anything to each other as he drove us home. When we arrived, we both got out of the car. I followed him into the house.

"Go to your room," he instructed me. I did as told, scared that if I even tried to argue he'd hit me or something.

I kicked my shoes off and put them in my closet before sitting on my bed. He entered my room a few minutes later with a glass of whiskey.

" didn't fink to call me or anything?" He asked, "not even a text?"

I figured that was a rhetorical question and stayed silent, staring at my bedsheets.

"We were all scared shitless when you just bolted out of there. Awsten even blacked out after trying to chase you. He's been at the hospital for a while now."

Awsten blacked out? Shit.

"I'll admit, we shouldn't have made you feel like you had to talk to him but you could've at least told us you were safe."

He's right, I should've at least told him that I was with Palaye Royale.

"Not talkin' huh? You know I'm not mad at you right? Yeah, I'm a bit frustrated with you but I'm not mad."

I doubt that.

"I'm sorry, Dad." I croaked, finally looking at him.

"It's alright kid, I'm sorry too. You're back home now and that's all that matters."

I smiled at him slightly.

"You're grounded though, gimme your phone," he said.

I sighed, expecting this since he wasn't yelling at me. I stood up and gave it to him. He put it in his pocket and then took a sip of his whiskey. "I'm gonna pick up Geoff and Otto and then we're gonna visit Awsten. You want to come?"

That could be a good idea, but also a bad one. I could get to see Awsten and maybe we can finally figure out our shit, but at the same time I might have a panic attack or something.

It's a tough call.

"I-I think I should just stay here." I murmured.

He nodded understandably. "Alright luv, I'll be back later. Bother Tom if you need anyfing."

(Here's the 2nd chapter)

Awsten's POV

Dom and the boys are here again. I guess Mars couldn't come with them. They must really hate me still which I understand. I'd hate me too.

"You said your mum is going outta town right?" Dom asked me.

I nodded, "yeah, some business trip or something."

She'll be gone for about two weeks along with Sophie. The doctor said that if she can't care for me then I'll have to stay with someone else. Guess that's why Dom volunteered yesterday, though Mars will be pissed.

"You'll stay wif us then." Dom said.

"Won't Mars like....freak out or something?" I asked him. He paused and thought for a minute.

He then said, "yeah good point. We'll just see if they're okay wif it tonight and if they're not then we'll keep you somewhere else."

I nodded in agreement, "okay."

I hope I can at least speak to Mars though they might run away again if I even try to. It feels like we're being forced into talking which is not the best route to take considering Mars' mental health.

I just hope I don't scare them off.


Short chapter, sorry

I'll update as soon as I can


Broken(adopted by YUNGBLUD part 3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن