YR 6 ☆•°~'* 02

262 8 18

A/N - I know I've said it a lot before, but thank you for all your votes and comments, they make my day! <3 

Enjoy the chapter :)!

❈🌠➵9¾♌ ⚯ 🗲━━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺

The birds were chirping outside, the smell of freshly baked pastries was wafting throughout the house, and the warm bedding kept Y/N as sleepy as ever...

'Go on, wake her up,' a voice whispered above Y/N.

'No, you do it,' said another. 'She almost poked my eye out the last time.'

'Yeah, but remember the water incident?'

'That was Ginny's idea, not mine!' hissed the second voice. 

'Oi, keep me out of this!' said a third voice. 

'It really is not that complicated to wake her up, you know,' said a fourth voice, sounding disapproving. 'Put those things away, Fred, or she'll scalp you-'

Y/N stirred feebly in bed and brought up the warm blanket to cover half her face. The four people in the room stopped and looked at Y/N warily.

'Why are we scared, anyway?' said the third voice. 

'Because I almost became half-blind last time we woke her up abruptly?' suggested the second voice.

'Shut up...' Y/N mumbled lazily, rolling over on her other side, her eyes still shut and sound asleep. 

'I'll just do it-'

'No!' hissed the fourth voice. 'Can't you just be normal?'

'It is part of our tradition to wake Y/N up in unusual ways,' said the first voice. 'You wouldn't understand, Hermione.'

Footsteps, floor creaking, then another voice, 'What's going on here?'

'Shut up, Ron-'

'Freddie, you do the honours.'

There was a short silence during which Y/N fell deeper into slumber. She vaguely felt people moving around her, but couldn't tell whether it was in her dream or not... 

Something very small tickled her face. Y/N's cheek twitched and she tried to swipe whatever it was off, but it seemed to stick to her face stubbornly. She tried again, and this time, whatever was tickling her apparently multiplied; it was tickling all over her face now.

She woke up abruptly, sitting upright and opening her eyes blearily. She let out a yelp as she took a look at her hands. They were covered with what looked like tiny, crawling sea urchins. 

'What the hell-?' 

Someone burst into laughter on the other side of the room and Y/N whipped her head around to see Fred and George doubled up, Ron lurking behind them and grinning, Ginny covering her mouth with both of her hands and Hermione shaking her head disapprovingly.

'You pricks!' snarled Y/N, jumping up from bed and waving her hands in the air to rid them of the tiny, olive-sized creatures to no avail. 

'G-Good morning, Y/N,' said George, gasping for air. 'You should have a look in the mirror-'

Y/N dashed over to the mirror hanging on the wall and swore loudly, causing Fred and George to laugh harder than ever. Her face was covered in the spiny little creatures, or whatever they were. 

'I'm going to do something that will get me arrested and thrown into Azkaban,' snarled Y/N, turning around slowly to face the twins. 

She took one step towards them and they immediately bolted out of the room. Y/N chased them out, following them down the stairs in twos and tackling Fred on the floor of the living room.

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