DH ☆•°~'* 07

159 9 58

"I cast a spell over the West to make you think of me,

The same way I think of you."

❈🌠➵9¾♌ ⚯ 🗲━━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺

Y/N's head was pounding.

It was aching beyond measure, heavy with a load of information that had entered it in a millisecond, too much for her brain to process all at once.

Then it was over as soon as it came. 

It felt as though she was floating - or rather her mind was floating; she could not really feel her body but for the strange burning around her wrists and ankles. Almost as though in response to this sensation, whatever was causing it seemed to loosen, first around her wrists, then her ankles. 

'What do you think?' a soft voice above spoke.

'We'll see,' said another, slightly harsher than the first. 

Footsteps clicked on the floor, drawing closer to Y/N. She opened her eyes blearily and took in her surroundings. She was sitting on an ornate, black leather chair, in a large, gothic-styled room. An ornate chandelier hung from the high ceiling, casting light upon the place.

'Y/N,' said the second voice.

Y/N looked up. A sallow-faced man with long, blond hair was staring down at her, his eyes narrowed. As soon as Y/N had seen him she recognised him: Lucius Malfoy. 

Behind him were three other people, whom she recognised as well: Lucius's wife, Narcissa, standing next to a broody-looking man Y/N was pretty sure was called Yaxley, and behind the two of them, looking disturbed, clenched fists trembling feverishly, Leonora - Y/N's own twin.

Though she recognised the people around her, Y/N still had no idea what was going on.

'What happened to me?' Y/N asked, and she was surprised at how frail and scratchy her voice sounded. 

Lucius's lips formed into a thin, calculated smile. It uneased Y/N.

'You've gone through quite the ordeal, Y/N,' he said.  'It's a miracle you're still with us. The Order of the Phoenix can be very nasty when they want to be, but never as witted as us.'

Y/N frowned a little, trying to remember the events. Her entire mind seemed fuzzy, deconstructed. The Order of the Phoenix... Her memories were a swirling fog, fragments slipping through her fingers like water every time she tried to remember anything.

'Who - what is the Order of the Phoenix?' Y/N asked.

 Lucius tutted, but Narcissa smiled. 

'It's not a surprise that you do not remember, given what you went through,' she said gently. 'But it will all come back in due time.'

A deep-seated instinct told Y/N to question, to doubt, but she didn't want to strain her memory any further. 

'The Dark Lord will be most pleased when he learns we've finally got you... back,' said Lucius. 

Y/N did not understand; she had always been with them, hadn't she? Her mind still felt foggy and sluggish.

'Let's not forget who actually got her,' Yaxley hissed. 

Lucius turned to face Yaxley, an eyebrow raised. Yaxley cowered back slightly, but still held Lucius's gaze. 

'Your input was quite unnecessary, Yaxley, as is your presence here,' said Lucius coldly. 'Go.'

Yaxley's face flushed. He glared at Lucius, fists clenched as though he wanted nothing more than to hit him, before he turned on his heel and left the room.

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