Part 24: Decision

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Y/N: M-Mom?!

Yareli: Y/N! What are you doing here! You are supposed to be at school!

Yareli raised her voice at her daughter.

Y/N: Mom I know what it looks like and it's not what you are thinking!

Yareli: So if you're not skipping, what are you doing?

Y/N: Okay it looks like what it is...but I am not the one who came up with the idea!

Yareli: Who made you do this-

Yareli furrowed her brows as there was a knock on the door with the voice of Jungkook asking if Y/N was in there.

Yareli: Jungkook?

Yareli opened the door and there stood Jungkook with an awkward smile on his face.

Jungkook: Mom...

Yareli: Oh you both are grounded!

Y/N: Mom no! The basketball game is today and Jungkook has to play!

Yareli: Not today! You both are coming home with me.

Yareli grabbed them and dragged them out of the movie theater where her husband was waiting for her, but he was annoyed as he saw the kids weren't in school.

Yareli: Both of you in the car!

The kids didn't say anything and they just did as they were told. Y/N texted Nobi and Hyeon about what had happened and how they might be grounded. They two kids sat in the car with their heads down as they were getting lectured by Yareli. Once they arrived at the house they were once again lectured, but this time by both parents. Y/N got the most attention as she wasn't the type of person to make that decision. Y/N was furious at Jungkook as she can't go to the basketball game because of him.

Yareli: You are starting to disappoint me Y/N, what happened to my sweet little angel? Where did I go wrong with you?

Mr Kim: I agree, you are never bad. I'm guessing Jungkook is a bad influence on you... You should know better than that, skipping school. You might be a failure if you skip school like that.

Jungkook: What!?

Y/N: I'm always disappointing someone, at this point just call me Disappointing Y/N or    Y/N the failure as I am always failing at something..

Yareli: Honey we didn't mean it that way-

Y/N: You know, sometimes words do hurt. I understand what I have done is wrong and that I won't do it again, but making me hate myself even more than I should is just being a horrible person.

Yareli: Y/N-

Y/N: I know I'm grounded, but can I still go to the basketball game?

Yareli: No! You are grounded for 2 weeks end of discussion.

Y/N: You know how bad I want to go! Mom please!

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