Chapter 49

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I'm stepping out of the bathroom after washing my face when I hear my phone ring.

Unknown Number.

Though I usually ignore calls that I'm unaware of the person calling, something about this one has me pressing answer. Lifting the device to my ear, I speak. "Hello?"

"Hello back, Pinky Pie."

"A-Angel?" I ask, confused.

"That is what I generally go by, yes. I'm an expert nickname giver but receiving them has never really been equally matched. Althea has some, I guess. My friends have cultivated a few over the years. Most quite rude and undignified, indeed."

"Right." I say. "Um, I don't mean to interrupt but... why did you call me?"

"Yes. Thank you." There is a slight commotion on his end. "Mama Ford has given us a heads up that your boy may have an axis tilting revelation soon. And that we should perhaps prepare you to be prepared for what he wasn't prepared for."


"He could possibly remember that you were his childhood soulmate."

My eyes shoot wide. "You- you-"

"Shocking, isn't it?" I can hear the amusement in his voice. "I get it. I'll allow you ten seconds of in-verbal bewilderment."

My brows furrow deeply and I've barely wrapped my head around his words before he's speaking again.

"And that's ten. I'm sorry, Bambi. I get that this is all very much a glitch to the system but we all thought that you should know since you've been the one out of the two of you who've been aware and been hurt by the situation. Just know that none of this is his fault and none of it is yours, either. I also apologise that we've also known and kept that from you. But everything is going to work out, okay? Oakley would've been the one to call but I'm guessing he feels the most guilty. Are you following all of this?"

"Y/yeah." Painfully so.

"Alright. Well, we're all together at Madden's house right now. His parents are out of town and we figured if tonight is the night, he'll need a longish drive before he finds out and wants to murder us all. Anyway, that's the basis of what's going on." He pauses and then I hear him again, his voice softer. "Donatella?"

"I'm here." I swallow. "Thank you. I should probably go and think and sleep now, if that's okay?"

"No problem." Now I hear sympathy. "It's all going to be good, baby girl. We'll see you soon."

"Okay. Bye bye."

I end the call and blow out a long breath.

So, I've known all along and his friends have known all along. His mom, most likely his dad. It's just him who hasn't?

I don't understand. But Angel said that it wasn't his fault. It doesn't make sense to me but if there's an explanation for everything then I'm ready to hear it.

This has been a long time coming.

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